The Story Of Idris (AS)/ Enoch

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Enoch translated in the Quran as Idris in Arabic. Idris (AS) was a prophet of Allah (SWT). And some of our scholars consider him to be the second prophet after Adam (AS). Some consider him the third after Sheeth (AS). And some of our other scholars consider him the first prophet. Allah (SWT) knows best.

The prophet Muhammad (SAW), he said Idris was a prophet. And he is the first man to ever write with the pen. So writing before Idris (AS) did not exist.

Abdullah ibn Abbas, he describes Idris (AS). He was a man, who was tall. He was very good looking. He was very calm. He had a full grown beard. And he spoke very, very clearly. When he spoke he was calm. When he walked he lowered his gaze and looked on the ground. He was a very collected individual. Calm and collected. He used to ponder and reflect. Very quiet, hardly speaks, only if there’s a need. Contemplates a lot.

He came as a prophet, not to stop people from shirk or to call them to the correct information but rather to help stop and call people away from acts of corruption which they knew were corruption. Away from their desires, as we know such a zina and the act of killing, the act of murder, the act of proudness, the act of corruption. To call them away from that.

And it is said also in our history books that Idris (AS) was the first to take up arms against another army. To fight against injustice. To protect the innocent.

When Idris (AS) saw the corruption spreading. Especially among the people of Qabil. And that corruption is spreading even within the people of Idris (AS). So Idris (AS) declared war against the corrupt people. And he prepared an army of horsemen and people walking, fighting against the people of Qabil and the corruption of the people of Qabil. And Allah (SWT) gave victory to Idris (AS).

Allah (SWT) revealed to Idris (AS) one day, that Allah (SWT) will give him the rewards of all the good deeds of mankind every single day. They say Idris (AS) he was told by Allah (SWT) that, Oh Idris from those who have followed you anyone who does good deeds at the end of the day you will have all those good deeds doubled for yourself. That is something amazing. This is a status. Imagine others do good deeds and you getting the rewards of it. So he was very happy.

Idris (AS) knew that his death was approaching. So he had a friend from Angels. And he spoke to this friend. He says Allah (SWT) has promised me this reward and I like to amass a lot of rewards before I go. So why don’t we speak to the Angel of death, let see what he has to say. To say, look just try and see if you can seek permission to prolong a little bit. So Idris (AS) said, I wanna live longer.

The Angel carried him on his wings and went up into the heavens, the skies. When it was the fourth heaven, they met the Angel of death. And the Angel spoke to him. And the Angel of death said, but where is Idris? He replied, he is up on my back. The Angel of death said, how astonishing. I was sent and told to cease his soul in the fourth heaven. I kept thinking how I could cease it in the fourth heaven when he was on earth. Then he took his soul.

His soul was taken away whilst he was still in the fourth heaven. And prophet Muhammad (SAW) confirms in Sahih Al Bukhari, in an authentic narration, that when he went up for Miraaj (the night journey) he met Idris (AS) in the fourth heaven.

That is as much as we know about the life of Idris (AS). And this is why some of the Mufassireen say, when Allah (SWT) says he raised him to a high level, he is speaking of literally. Allah (SWT) took him up physically to the top and then his soul was taken there.

Idris (AS) died and time passed. After the death of Idris (AS) corruption started to increase even more. After 1000 years minimum or several thousands of years (generations), it took iblis that long to finally influence the children of Adam (AS) to commit their first act of shirk.


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This story of Idris (AS) was taken from the YouTube channel of Merciful Servants.

Here is the video 👇👇👇👇

رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلۡ مِنَّآۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلۡعَلِيمُ

"Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the knowing."

-Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 127

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