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"Ma, why do you worry so much? You're doing them a favor by arranging my marriage with their son. They aren't doing us any favors. I agree, his parents are sweet, but him? No way. He's so self-obsessed," I vented to my mom about my prospective extended family.

"Vedu, as far as I know, he's a nice guy. His mom mentioned that he has never raised his voice against his family until today."

Oh, really! Whatever my mom is saying about him doesn't match with his rude and nasty face at all.

"Ma, Jiju is actually a great person," chimed in my fit-for-nothing sister.

"What happened? Why did you frown?" my mom asked, shifting her gaze from the frying pan to me, as she prepared my favorite Aloo fry.

"Mom, she didn't frown; she just changed her expression from blush to a frown before we could see," said Vishika.

"Shut up, you fit-for-nothing. Don't interfere between two adults," I scolded.

"For your very kind information, I'm already in my 20s," she retorted.

"I guess you don't remember your birth year, do you? Absent-minded."

"Mumma, look, your favorite daughter is teasing me," she complained to mom. I'm sure I'll get scolded.

"Vedika, don't."

"Okay." "Fit-for-nothing," I said, smacking Vishika's head.

"Vedu, answer me. Don't you like him?" my mom asked, circling back to the same topic.

"No. I have loved Amogh with all my heart. He's my love forever."

"Vedu, he's gone. He won't return. Move on. I know it's difficult but not impossible."

"Ma, Love is that special feeling that happens without a reason. Besides, I don't have any such feelings for Nachiketh."

"Ma, did you listen? Your Vedu finally said his name," said my fit-for-nothing sister.

"Will you zip your mouth," I glared. Without any reply, she went out of the kitchen.

"I won't understand your words, and who can win an argument against a lawyer?" Mom laughed. I chuckled.


"Mrs... Ms. Vedika, how shall I call you?" asked Mr. Bhatt.

"Ms. Vedika is fine."

"So, Ms. Vedika, we have a case running in the district civil court. The other one is in the state high court. Last month, your predecessor lost a case on purpose, getting bribed by the opposite party."

"I do know about this. I can affirm you that I'm totally trustworthy for this industry."

"Undoubtedly. I too know your relationship with Mr. Thakur. No need to worry."

So, he too knows. I need to ask how many of them know about our wedding.

"Mr. Bhatt, how many of you in this office know about our wedding?"

"Sir's PA, Aarav sir, and I."

"Oh! Okay."

"Shall I leave? I'm a bit occupied."

"Yeah, but... I... Nothing, you can leave."

I have no option left; I need to inform this to Mr. Thakur.

I knocked the door of his chamber, and guess what, he isn't in his cabin. Now where did this guy go? On top of that, I don't have his phone number. I'll ask his PA to call him.


Lemon juice always helps in refreshing the mind. I need to sleep, and this guy hasn't turned up at home yet. I'll need to ask Ma about his whereabouts.

While debating whether to ask Ma or not, he finally entered the room. He looked tired yet cheerful, maybe he was at a party or something.

"Mr. Thakur, here's the notice regarding the land acquisition case in the District Court. You, the project supervisor, and the in-charge manager have been warranted before the Magistrate tomorrow," I said, handing the notice.

"What the hell? What are you even saying? I have been warranted? Couldn't you inform me earlier?"

"I have been trying to since noon. But, you disappeared all of a sudden."

"You could have contacted me. Tomorrow is the hearing, and you are informing now. What kind of professionalism is this?"

"Mr. Thakur, this notice reached my hands today. As soon as I checked this, I came running to you, but you weren't in the office. On top of that, I don't have your number to call."

"If you don't have my number, you..." I cut him.

"I did inform your PA; she too tried to reach you. But, you, the CEO of Thakur Industries, didn't pick any among the 20 calls."

"So, what should I do? You are handling this case tomorrow, right? You are the defense lawyer, right? Before that, take my phone number."

"Yeah, do whatever I say. I'm sure we'll win this case."

"Okay. Thank you, Ms. Dutta."

"One more thing, I'm not your employee, so give respect, and surely you'll get it back. YOU are my client; remember that. I don't like people raising their voice against me."

I know what I did. It was necessary. He should learn how to respect people. Thinking this, I drifted into a good night's sleep on this great couch.



New chapter!

How's the story line going on?
Will they try to understand each other?

Until next chapter stay tuned.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.

Baanke Bihaari ji ki jai!!

Do vote and comment as your comments give me inspiration to write further.


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