The Super Three

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"Sush, don't worry I'll be there in few minutes. Sit in the waiting lounge. I'm coming."
What must have happened this early in the morning? She was so much tensed. I need to hurry up.

I soon got freshened up and was about to leave my room then realised I need to inform Ms.Dutta.
She's still fast asleep. Shall I wake her? No, she may get annoyed. I'll leave a note behind, when she gets up she would read it.

I sticked the note on the closet door and left to meet Sush.


"Hey!" Sush greeted me when she saw me at a distance. When I approached her she engulfed me in a hug. She was so much tensed. I could feel her hands shivering.

"Cool down. Sush, look I'm here. Tell me what happened? Why are you tensed so much? You better sit on this couch. Tell me everything. Everything from the beginning." I ordered.

"Nat, my husband, he, he, he's cheating me over his colleague. Now, he wants a divorce. On top of that he is forcing me to register my house to his name. Where will I stay if I transfer my house to his name? Won't he kick me out after that? I don't know what to do? I'm helpless. I'm totally blank."

Hearing her, I gave a side hug and patted her back in order to comfort her.

"Sush, I'm here. I'll make everything fine. I'll take care of your case and your husband too."

"Nat, what will you do?"

"You wait and watch. It's almost 9 o'clock. Where are you staying now? The same house?"

She nodded.

"Come, we'll go there. You get freshened up and after that I'll take you to my lawyer. Is that okay?"

She nodded still having tears down her cheeks.

"Shall I call Aarav too?" I questioned.

She again nodded.


"Aarav, you would have felt so much bad if you had seen her state few hours before." I said Aarav while we were waiting for Sush, in her house, to freshen up.

"Nat, would her husband come here?"

"No, he stays with his girlfriend."

"Then why does he want her to register this house to name?"

"Bro, this is a two storeyed luxurious apartment, won't he ask?"

"You are right."

Just then she came out dressed, with a simple Capri and a casual shirt. I don't know why, for some reason this made me remember the day when I saw Ms.Dutta first time in my office.

"Bro, what are you thinking, shall we leave." said Aarav in my ears and then I realised I had zoned out.

We three, no The Super Three, that's what we were called in the college, left to my lawyer's office.

"So, Analytica Legal Advisors. Is this your lawyer's office?" Sush asked.

I nodded.

"Bro, what about.... I mean, will Vedika be here too?" Aarav asked and that's when I realised she too is a co-partner in this law firm.

"I don't know. Now will you people get down. We need to go or else Mr.Ahuja would leave to the court. He has a hearing today."

"Hello. Can I meet Mr.Ahuja? I have an appointment for him." I asked the receptionist.

"You please contact his PA. There, he's waiting for you in the lounge." she said directing towards the left side of the entrance.

We walked into thw lounge to find Mr.Ahuja's PA, waiting for us.

"Hello, Mr.Thakur, Mr.Ahuja instructed me to direct your case to Mr.Bhapat. He has a very important hearing to attend in the High Court. So, please come along with me. I'll direct you to Mr.Bhapat." he said.

We followed him until we stood infront of an opaque glass door having a name plate, Mr.Gaurav Bhapat. BA LLB.

As soon as I opened the glass door my eyes widened in both surprise and shock. It was Ms.Dutta sitting before Mr.Bhapat and discussing about a case. May be?

As she saw me, she held an expressionless face. Aarav smiled at her and she too smiled back. I glanced at her again and shifted my gaze back to Mr.Bhapat. He gestured all of us to take a seat. Without any other option left, I sat next to Ms.Dutta.

"I think I need to leave." said Ms.Dutta.

"Vedika, please sit. Though your specialty is Criminal cases but you have a good hold on Family cases too." said Mr.Bhapat.

"So, tell me everything." siad Mr.Bhapat.

Sush said everything, from the beginning of her wedding. I too added few points in between and everytime I spoke, Ms.Dutta used to spare a glance at me.

"So, my conclusion is that your friend, Ms.Sushma must get a divorce. She doesn't need to register her house to her husband's name. She had just promised, she hadn't had any contract. So, she doesn't need to leave her house. One more thing, Ms.Sushma can claim for an alimony but it may not be approved as she herself is a working woman." Mr.Bhapat concluded and looked towards Ms.Dutta, who was keenly listening.

"So, as far as I can say, whatever Mr.Bhapat told is on point. I would like to conclude that you should ask for the custody of everything which Ms.Sushma has given until now and which is in her husband's possession. One more thing, Ms.Sushma, you must ask for protection from the court as he may threaten you." she completed.

"So, I'll take care of your case. Just leave it to me. I hope every detail is provided through this file." said Mr.Bhapat.

"Thank you." I said.

We came out of the cabin, Sush and Aarav went before I could. I thought of talking to Mr.Ahuja's PA but couldn't find him. Just then to my surprise Ms.Dutta came towards me,

"Mr.Thakur, don't worry, your friend's case will be solved as soon as possible." she assured.

"Thanks. I think I'll be late. I have work in my office, many accounts to check and many files to approve. Please don't wait for me." I said.

"Okay. Take care." she said.



Hello! Hello!
So, introduction of one more character.
Btw, aren't Nachiketh and Vedika trying to understand each other?

Stay tuned great things gonna come.

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