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'Wake up, wake up, It's a brand new day.'
Urgh, one of the most annoying sounds of my life. This wake up alarm.

I snoozed it for 5 more mins and slept.

After 5 mins
'Wake up, wake up, It's a brand new day.'
Dude, will you shut your mouth. I again snoozed it for 5 more mins.

After 5 mins
'Wake ...'
What happened why did it stop? Whatever? It's better if it doesn't play. I can sleep peacefully. I was about to sleep but suddenly something flashed into my mind that made me wake up instantly. Only to see him going into the bathroom. Khadoos, couldn't he just ask me whether I wanted to use washroom or not?!

I was right. He was the one who ended the alarm. By the way, what's the time? Oh! It's 8. Wait what!? It's already 8. Ugh!!
Why didn't I get up early? Oh, yeah I forgot to keep an alarm for 6 AM. This 8 O'clock alarm is auto enabled.

What would he think? He would think I'm a sleepy head. He may even think I'm lazy. Chee! I should have got up early. But, wait? Why am I even thinking about his perception on me? I don't even care. Why should I?

God!! Sleeping on the couch is the worst thing of any person's life. Ahh! My neck. It hurts.
I must think of a better way. But I can't even sleep on that bed with him. What if I shift to the guest room? No, Ma and Pa would feel bad. What if I arrange for another bed in the same room? No. I can't even do that. What shall I do? Yeah, the only way left is to sleep on the ground. Right. From today night itself I'll sleep on the ground. Anyway there's a soft mattress in the cupboard, I'll spread that on the ground and sleep.

The sound of unlatching of the bathroom door made me come out of my own world. I too got freshened up and went downstairs only to see him and Pa busy eating their breakfast.

I directly went to the kitchen, wished Ma a very good morning and then happily sat on the kitchen counter taking my breakfast from her. She widened her eyes in shock.

"Vedika, what are you doing? Go and sit on the dining table." she said.

"Ma" Before I could complete she held my hands, pulled me out and made me sit next to him. She too sat next to Pa.

"This looks like a complete happy family." Pa exclaimed his happiness. I couldn't help, just smile at Pa.

"Nachiketh pass her the sweet." Ma ordered her son. He looked at me once and passed me the bowl.

"No, Mr.Thakur, I don't want. I can't eat sweets early in the morning." I said denying.

Both Ma and Pa looked at each other for a while and Pa spoke up,

"You have to eat. You have won a big case yesterday and we haven't celebrated it yet. So, think this sweet as a treat from my side for your marvelous win."

"Pa, okay, I'll take it just for your sake."
It was actually delicious.

Mr.Thakur finished his breakfast, dumped his platter into the kitchen sink and came towards the dining table.

"Ma, I'm leaving to the office."

"Nachiketh, wait for her too. You both work in the same office. Why don't you both go together?" said Ma.

"Ma, it isn't like that. Nobody knows about the wedding except two or three people. I want this to be a secret. One more thing Ms.Dutta doesn't have much work today. She has only few documents to go through and approve. So, it's fine if she comes late." he said and was about to leave, taking his laptop bag, just then Pa spoke up,

"Nachiketh, come home for lunch. We have certain important things to discuss."

"Okay Pa." he said and went off.

Then Pa turned towards me and said,
"Vedika you too come home for lunch."

"Of course Pa. As he said I don't have much work to do. I'll be home by noon."


Today was actually good. Thank God! I had no much interaction with him. But, he always keeps that frown on his face. Khadoos.

The sight before me was pretty shocking which made me come out of my world.

"Ma, what is this? These many bags? Whom does this luggage belong to?"

"It's mine and my husband's"

"But why have you packed them?"

"Wait for some time. You'll get to know everything." Ma said again confusing me.

Soon, that guy, Khadoos too came and I'm pretty much sure that he too was shocked seeing the sight infront of him.

"Nachiketh before you say anything, first listen to me. Vedika you too." Pa said.

"Your Mom and I are going to our hometown. Since the income of the textile industry there, is going down I need to take care of that. You know your Mom, she can't live without me. So, she's gonna accompany me." said Pa which made both of us to drop our jaws, getting perplexed.

"Ma-Pa why are you people leaving us all alone? If you both aren't here I have no one to speak? How will I manage? I don't even know how to cook?" I asked her.

"My dear, you don't worry, Tara cooks very well. We have so many helping hands. They'll help you. You don't need to worry." she said trying to assure me.

"Pa-Ma do you both really want to go?" Mr.Thakur asked.

"Yeah, but you both don't worry. We will be back very soon. It's just a matter of few hours of journey from here. Whenever we feel like seeing you we both will come running. You both take care. Nachiketh, take care of her. One more thing, promise me that you both would daily come to house, eat together and would be the same cheerful people."

"Sure." I said.

"Take Care both of you. Don't forget that we both love you." Ma said.

Soon they both went to their hometown with the driver and here we both are trying to start a conversation. But, failing every time. How will I spend my time until Ma comes back? I can't even run back to my Mumma's house.
How will I spend my time with this conceited narcissist. God knows?!



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Is he actually narcissistic, I mean egoistic?
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