Treasuring these Moments Forever

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'Wake up wake up it's a brand new day...'

God! My alarm!
Is it already time? Unfortunately, yes!!

Get up my dear Vedu, you need to freshen up, do morning exercises, may be some jog today? Then have to cook something nice to Ma and Pa. They came back after months! Get up!

I somehow managed to wake up and my eyes fell on him, who was sleeping on the couch. I'll first freshen up and then wake him.

After my morning routine, I came up to him,

"Nachiketh, get up. It's 6 AM. Won't you go on a jog?" I said shaking him.

"Ha. Five more minutes." He said pulling comforter over his face.

"Nachiketh" I whisper yelled in his ears and he got up with a jerk.

"Who wakes anyone like this?" He said in a high pitched tone, rubbing his eyes.

"Me" I replied back giggling.

He looked, infact stared at me for good few seconds and went into the bathroom.

I went into the gym at the top floor after having a glass of fresh water, started with few muscle loosening exercises. Then stepped upon the treadmill, set it to 5 mph. In few minutes, he came in with a protein shake in his hands, may be?

"Ms.Fitness Freak, how's everything going?" He asked out of nowhere, and I choked hearing my new nickname.

"Sorry." I said.

"We both know, you did hear whatever I said." He smirked and started with his squats.

"I need to punch that smirk on your face" I muttered under my breath.

"Pardon me." He said.

"Nothing. I mean won't you go out to the park for a jog?" And I continued with my walk.

"For a change." He said and hopped on to the exercise bike.

We both indulged into exercising until half past seven, silently, though it was comfortable.

Once I saw the time, I stopped with my walk and was about to go to room to shower, he called me from behind,

"Vedika, protein shake?"

"No. I don't drink. I will make some juice for me. Do you like to have some?" I asked him back.

"It's fine. Thank you." He smiled and continued with his cycling.


"Ma, what should I add next?" I was here learning to cook Aloo Paratha.

"Now add two spoons of chilli powder, a spoon of raw mango powder and cumin powder along with them, two spoons of salt. Mix them with mashed potatoes now." She gave instructions and I followed it.

"Now, the dough is well kneaded, make spherical ball out of them, stuff the potatoes and roll it into flat round Parathas." She said showing it by herself.

"Ma...I'm hungry...You told you'll make Aloo Parathas" came a voice from the dining hall.

"He loves Parathas since he was a small kid. My Mom used to make amazing Parathas."

"Ma, a far as I know you make world's most delicious Parathas, I'm thinking how would the Parathas your Mom made, taste?!" I said excitedly.

"Indeed, she made heavenly food." She said smiling.

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