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After a lot of pleadings from Nachiketh, Vedika's family agreed to send her back with him, to 'their' house. Both of them were driving back after completing all the formalities.

"Mr.Thakur, I'm really sorry." said Vedika, her voice, still tired.

"Ms.Dutta, it's almost the twentieth time you have been apologizing and addressing me 'Mr.Thakur'. Did you forget? WE ARE FRIENDS." he said in annoyance.

"Okay. Sorry. But you too called me 'Ms.Dutta'?" She said, her head hung low.

"Not again. Now you are asking sorry." he laughed and gazed at her with fake anger.

"Sor....I mean okay. Tell me, what magic did you do that my parents permitted me to come back with you?" She asked as curiosity haunted her.

"Nothing much, I promised to take care of you." He said proudly yet had a tinge of uncertainty and fear which did not go unnoticed by her.

"But, Nachiketh....." she was cut in between as he applied the breaks indicating their arrival to their house.

"We can talk about this later. We have the whole day. Now get down." He said and came out of his side, and opened the door of passenger seat, where she was seated. She smiled at his gesture and happily got down. He extended his hand for support but she politely denied.

As they were at the entrance, she was welcomed by Tara Aunty. She thanked her and moved towards his room. All the time the smile never left her face. She slowly and carefully climbed the stairs all by herself even after him extending his support once again.

As soon as she settled on the bed,

"Vedika, go and freshen up yourself. Where are your clothes?" He asked and started to search the closet.

"Nachiketh, actually they....they are still in the suitcases."she said grinning.

"I'm sorry?" He asked in surprise.

"Don't pretend. I know you heard it." She said in a calm tone.

"Okay. You won. Take your clothes and freshen up. I'll empty my two cupboards for you." He said in determination. She smiled at him and went to the washroom.

After few minutes she came out and by that time he had emptied the cupboards. She took her clothes out and started to arrange them neatly.

"Vedika, shall I help?" He questioned.

"Thank you. I'll manage." She said with a small smile. So, he went to shower to remove all his tiredness and guilt he was holding up for Vedika's present condition.

Though arranging clothes was tiresome, she managed to do with a small smile thinking about how much tensed he was, how much guilt he had in his eyes. How he apologized her with his teary eyes, how he wiped her tears, how he asked for her friendship. She felt as though she was living in a dream.

"Vedika, do you have transparent and invisible clothes?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"No. But why?" She questioned.

"You were moving your hands in air into the closet as though keeping invisible clothes." He said and laughed.

That's when she came back to reality and face palmed herself. In no time her phone buzzed. It was a remainder about a case, which had hearing the next day.

'My Goodness! I totally forgot about this! How can I become so irresponsible?' She scolded herself in mind.

"Nachiketh, actually....actually....I need to go to office." She said hesitantly.

As soon as he heard her, he made her sit on the bed and sat beside her, arms folded. His eyes piercing hers. He stared at her for good five minutes,

"N-O" he said.

"Please. You know, tomorrow I have the hearing of that Land Acquisition case. I need to go and bring some files so that I can study the matter properly and argue tomorrow in the court." She said.

"I have already said. Again I'm repeating it. NO"

"Nachiketh. Please." She held his hands,
"If I don't prepare for that case, our Industry has to pay lakhs of rupees as fine. I don't want this to happen. On top of that our Industry would get defamed." She said, but all his attention was towards the way she said 'our'.

"Okay. I'll go get those files from our office. But before I come back you need to finish your breakfast and take morning dose medicines." He said and got up to leave.

"Second Rack, third shelf. It's a brown-colour-zipped file." She said and he nodded.

After almost an hour he was back with six to seven files.

"Whoa! I asked you to bring one file and you are here with 1....2....3....4....5....and 6 files!!" She said counting them.

"Actually I couldn't find which file it was. All of them were brown in colour. So brought all of them." He grinned.

"It's okay." She said and settled on the bed. He too sat beside her.

She took out the proper file and started to go through the contents. He without any other things to do, opened his phone and was scrolling through certain 'Stock-Market App'. Just in few minutes his phone buzzed. It was a call from Aarav.

"Nat, how's your wife?" He asked

"She's feeling good. She here with me." Nachiketh told.

"Put the call on speaker, I need to talk to her," he said and Nachiketh did the same, "Hello Vedika. I'm Aarav from this side. How are you?" He asked.

"Hi Aarav! I'm good. I was just going through some files." She said.

"You are already working? Weren't you asked by the Doctor to take atleast two days rest? How can you be so irresponsible Nat?" He questioned both of them.

"I told her. But she's a workaholic, she won't listen." He said and she made faces with fake annoyance.

"Okay. I can't question any further. Take care Vedika. Nat, take care of her." He said and ended the call.

Both of them again went back to their respective works they were doing. After a while Vedika spoke,

"Mr.Thakur....I mean...Nachiketh" she said and he looked at her, "according to all the data over here, I can say it's quite difficult for us to come, victorious, out of this case. But don't worry I'll make sure that our Industry will win this case."she said with a proud smile.

"I completely trust you. I'll help you in all the needy ways." He said and his smile radiated warmth throughout the whole room.



One more chapter!
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I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for your unconditional support. I'm so much greatful to every single person, who is a part of this journey. I'm lack of words to express my gratitude.

I love you all.🥺❤

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