Lashed Out!

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Ahh! My head! I feel as though someone's continuously hammering it.
What time is it? Anyway why should I worry, it's Sunday.

I slowly opened my eyes as I tried to prevent light which was falling from the window. As I opened my eyes, I felt as though I was in an unknown surrounding. This pillow under my head, is so much soft.
Where am I sleeping? This bed feels so unfamiliar yet comfortable. I turned my head to the other side only to see the closet of my room. WTH?

Am I sleeping in my room? On his bed?
I got up with a jerk. When did I come here? Vedika think!
As far I remember, I had gulped almost ten shots or may be more than that. Then I went to the dance floor, I danced upto my hearts content. Then, a guy came....we both danced.....he whispered something.......then I sat in a car......where did I go? Who was that guy?

Was that Mr.Thakur? NACHIKETH?
YES. It was him.

Then he took me......may be he brought me to this house....... we talked about something.....what was that? Amogh? Did I speak about 'him'?.....Nothing is clear. Did we speak anything else? I don't know. But I remember puking everything out and eating curd at the end. After that I dozed off.

While I was busy in my world, washroom door flung open and Mr.Thakur came out in a sweatshirt and track pants while drying his curly luscious hairs.

He stared at me for few seconds, then raised his eyebrows and that's when I realised how shamelessly I was checking him out. I turned the other side.

"I thought you will wake at noon." he taunted and my cheeks heated up for no reason.

"Mr.Thakur, I don't like these things." I said.

"Oh! I see." he smirked.

"Whatever" I said and got up from bed to freshen up.

"By the way Mrs.Thakur, how do you feel now? Hangover symptoms?" he asked and


"When did I become Mrs.Thakur? I'm Ms.Dutta for you. AND I don't have any hangover symptoms." I said and rushed into washroom without waiting for his reply.
But, I heard him chuckle.


It was almost four in the evening. I was engrossed in reading Pride and Prejudice in the study room, the tenth time.
A phone call from my Mother-in-law brought me back,

"Ma. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. How are you people? What is he doing?" she asked.

"Ma, both of are good. He's in the room. I'm here in the study."

"Vedika, your father-in-law wanted some copies of certain documents, so can you get them scanned and send me? Those are inside the drawer of second almairah, in the store room."

"Yeah Ma. I'll send you within minutes."

I ended the call and went to the store room, upstairs. I stepped in. It was pretty clean. I held the latch of the Almairah, tried to open it, but it had got corroded. After trying so much it unlocked. As I opened the door, something fell out and broke scattering glass and certain glittery thing all over. It broke down making so much noise that everyone in the house ran upstairs.

"What happened?" came running Mr.Thakur.

As he saw those glass pieces and glittery powder, his face shock and rage filled.
He looked up to me and his eyes, red shot. I gulped in fear.

"Everyone get back to your work" he said coldly and everyone went out. He slowly came towards the almairah, picked up those glass pieces and in that process his thumb got cut.

"Mr.Thakur your thumb.." I was about to say but he spoke instead.

"I don't want to hear anything from your mouth." his voice cold enough.

"Mr.Tha...." he again cut me.

"Ms.Dutta how dare you touch my almairah?" He asked in rage.

"I was...." he again cut me.

"How dare you? I hope you know that one shouldn't interfere in other's life. What kind of a lawyer are you? What was the need to come into this store room? What was the need to open this almairah?" He paused, looked at me with red shot eyes, which was enough to fill my eyes with tears.

"Nachi..." he again cut me.

"Don't. Don't utter my name in your mouth. Listen, carefully, you were completely drunk yesterday, I brought you home on humanity basis. Do you know what did you say? You said you wanted to befriend me. But, listen, I will never ever accept your friendship." he said and clenched his fists as though suppressing his anger and my mouth went dry in fear.

"Do you know what was this?" He asked pointing at the glass pieces.

I did not react.

"This, this was the first gift my Kriti gave me, Two Swans. I had kept safely since years, but you destroyed it in seconds. This was priceless. You destroyed my most precious thing which had so many beautiful memories attached with it.

How you love to cherish those moments you have spent with Amogh, the same way I too love to cherish those sweet memories spent with Kriti." he said and looked at the glass pieces longingly.

"Mr.Tha..." he cut me again.

"One more thing, don't ever try to cross your boundaries. We don't have anything between us. Live your life on your own and I'll live mine." he lashed out and went.

I was numb. I was speechless. Why did I even come here? Why did I marry him at the first place? We weren't meant to be together, then why did I agree for this? I shouldn't have had done that. It is may be the biggest mistake of my life.

I blinked my eyes and that's when tears fell continuously without a pause. I let it flow, in the memories of Amogh. I let it flow, for the mistake I committed. I let it flow, for my shattered life.




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