Chapter 13

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Here's a nice long chapter<3

My mind wandered as I walked around the mall with Amy. It was Saturday so the mall was quite busy. I tried to pretend like I was enjoying myself, but I really wasn't.

Amy was excited. Going into each store with a smile and talking about how her new girlfriend was going to love her new clothes. I nodded, letting her talk about it even though it made me feel more lonely.

It felt like everyone had someone that loved them. The guys all had girlfriends and Amy had a girlfriend. I just wanted someone to love me.

We sat down in the food court after ordering taco bell. Amy and I talked a bit while we ate.

"I think I found the perfect guy for you." Amy said.

I looked at her, raising my eyebrow a bit.

She laughed a little. "Don't give me that look."

I sighed. "Who is it?"


I almost spit my drink out.

Zach as in one of the most popular guys at my school. He always had girls drooling over him.

"Idk Amy." I said.

"Oh come on. He's gonna be at the party that I'm taking you to tonight."

My eyes widened a little. "What-"

"You have no way of getting out of this." She said.

"But Michael won't agree."

"Tell him your spending the night at mine. He doesn't have to find out."

I took of my drink, feeling a bit nervous. I had never once lied to Michael and had never planned to.

"Are you sure he won't find out?" I asked.

Amy nodded. "Promise."

I nodded and decided that I would go, even though I was still feeling weary about it.

Later that day I headed back home where I told Michael that I was going to spend the night at Amy's. He said yes, telling me he trusted me. I felt super guilty when he said that but I kept my mouth shut.

I packed my normal clothes, along with something cute for the party which happened to be a little black dress.

After making sure I had everything, I headed downstairs and Michael drove me over to Amy's house.

"Have fun and be safe." He said as I got out.

I nodded before heading to her front door and knocked. I watched as Michael drove away before I headed inside with Amy.

"My parents aren't gonna be home until tomorrow so we don't have to worry about getting caught."

I nodded before Amy led me to her room. After putting my stuff down on her bed, I sat down.

"Show me what you brought to wear." Amy said.

I nodded, pulling out the black dress, handing it to her. She looked it over before saying "lets get you dressed up."

After getting dressed, Amy did my makeup. It was a simple look with a nude lip. I curled my hair and then looked in the mirror. I looked so much different from my regular self.

Amy came up from behind me and smiled.

"You look amazing." She said.

I smiled at her.

Amy was wearing a jumpsuit with a bit more makeup on then me. Her hair was perfectly curled in a half up, half down style.

"Lets go have some fun."

We soon pulled up to the house and got out. The lights were all on and many people already here. Amy grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the house.

I followed because I really didn't have a choice to go in or not.

The smell of alcohol and weed hit my nose and I almost wanted to throw up. But I stayed quiet.

Amy led me to the kitchen to get a drink. She started to mix a bunch of different alcohols together before handing it to me. I looked at her and shook my head.

"Oh come on, have some fun Sam." She said.

I shook my head. "I don't drink."

She sighed but made me a different drink that didn't contain alcohol. She handed it to me and I thanked her.

I took a sip before I was being dragged out onto the dance floor. That's when I knew this was going to be a long night.

Amy and I danced for a bit before we stopped and I sat down. Setting my drink next to me. Amy disappeared for a minute and I was a bit confused where she went. But when I looked up, I knew why she disappeared.

Zach was standing in front of me. I thought I was gonna pass out.

Amy held back her laugh before saying "I'll leave you two to it."  I wanted to hit Amy but I couldn't do that in front of Zach, so I stood up.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

We were soon laughing and talking together. I reached behind me and took a sip of my drink.

A little while later, I started to feel really weird. I stumbled a bit and Zach looked at me concerned.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Everything was starting to get blury and the last thing I said was "help me."

Then everything went black.

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