Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: It's Your Responsibilty

Megan was waiting at the gates of Blake High when I arrived. I ditched Ariel at the car and rushed over to her. She flipped over her jet black hair and started to walk in step with me. "Princess, I need major help," Megan said.

I stopped and glared at her. She just grinned. We started to walk again. "What's up now Megan?"

She shrugged. "Boy problems. Danny is a bit too clingy. Jacob acts like he doesn't like me, but I know he does. Oh, and then there is a good one. New kid, today. Let me tell you he is hotter than Blake!"

I threw her a look of disgust. "Shut up, Megan, that is my dad!"

She grinned and looked back to where my Dad was standing still talking to Ariel. "Yummy, is all I have to say."

I fumed silently beside her. I grabbed her arm and forced her to walk. "First, you know I'd kill anyone who interfered with him and my mum's love and second your my best friend, Megan. You're all I have."

She smiled at me. "True. But a girl can dream," she said, sighing. I cracked a smile. All of a sudden I was jerked behind a bush. "What," I gasped.

Megan pointed over the bushes. "Him! That's him! That's the new guy."

I sighed, shaking my head. "You ruined my outfit for some boy," I said, brushing the grass off my clothes. I laid down on the grass. "We should skip," I said, looking at the hidden sky.

Megan stood over me. "How many times do we have to go through this. You are Blake-Lynn the Princess of the Unborn, and," I cut her off, while closing my eyes. "It is my duty as Princess to take in and cherish the responsibility I have been honored with." I opened my eyes and saw Megan's hand, reaching out for mine. "Fine," I said, taking her hand.

We got in the Academic building when I heard my name being called over the intercom. "And the duty awaits me," I murmured before, finding my way to the headmistress, which was also my Grandma, Abigail.

"Gran, it is so nice to see you again," I said, with a big, fake smile upon my face.

"I told you not to call me that," she warned, her voice low, behind her desk.

I smiled, until I saw who was in a chair across from her. It was the boy from earlier, the one Megan messed up my clothes for. I looked down at my clothes now. "Let me guess, my duty," I said sourly.

Abigail laughed. "You are the exact replica of your father."

I smiled a genuine, real smile at that. Those were very few since I started attending Blake High. "So, anyway what exactly is my duty here," I asked, wanting this to go as fast and smoothly possible.

Abigail smiled, getting back to business. She motioned for the boy to stand and he did so. "This young man will be your first duty as Princess." I glared at her as she called me the title. "You will guide him and be a friend to him. Understand?"

I scoffed. "Blake-Lynn Taylor McCord Scott," she said simply, her voice sharp. I nodded once. I finally looked at the boy. He had sandy brown hair and sea green eyes. He was a little muscular. His face was perfect though. He was cute. Too bad Megan already has her claws in him, though he didn't know that. He held out his hand and I took it. "Dante," he said, avoiding my eyes.

"Blake-Lynn," I mumbled. Obviously, this boy was no difference. I hated it when people wouldn't look me in the eye. It was like I was intimidating, which is far from the case. Abigail rushed us out of her office. We walked silently for a couple minutes. I stopped abruptly. "Okay, I don't like this anymore than you do. So, this is the deal. I'll take care of you, but only because I have to. And you will not treat me like everyone else does around here. I am not intimidating and there is no reason you should treat me otherwise."

He looked up and met my eyes. He grinned. I stared at him curiously. "All that was an act. See, Blake-Lynn, I'm a bad boy and you seem like a nice girl. But I will not look at you like you are special because your not. I have to do this, just like you have to. But one will rise and one will fall." With that he stalked off into the direction of our first class. 

I saw Megan and she walked up beside me, still gazing at Dante. I hit her across the chest. She mouthed, "Ow." 

"I hate him," I said quietly.

"Better you than me. Blakey, because I absolutely love him."

I smiled sadly. What I told Megan wasn't wholly the truth. I hate what he had said to me, but I actually loved him for some reason I can not explain. And what did he mean about one will rise and one will fall.

Only time will tell, I thought walking to the class I knew he would be in. I suddenly had a wicked thought. Sure, I didn't want to be treated as the Princess, but that didn't mean I wanted to be treated badly. He was mine and as sure I was that I hated the sun, I was sure he would pay for it.

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