Chapter 7: Sex on the Beach?!

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Chapter 7: Sex on the Beach?!

It is now Tuesday and I'm sitting in class listening to the teacher talk about nothing.

Everything he says comes in one ear and straight out the other. College is just like high school but more expensive. And I don't know why.

He talks so slow it's making me exhausted. I wonder how many times it will take to bang my head on the desk until I can't hear no more.

I look around and people are either sleep or look bored out of their mind just like me. I want to just get up and leave. But that would be a bad impression for the first day.

"Ms. Whitley can you tell me what any officer should say when they are arresting a person?" What the fuck.

Luckily I watch so many criminal minds that I know the answer. "The Miranda warning."

"That's correct." He probably didn't think I knew the answer. Thank god for criminal minds.

After class was over I walked towards the Starbucks I saw earlier. I needed caffeine to get my energy back up.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks how may I help you." The nice lady ask.

"I will like a large Carmel Frappé."
"Your total will be $5.20."

I started to take out my wallet when a deep voice behind me said "I'll pay for it." And slapped down a $10 bill on the counter. "Keep the change." He said.

I turn around and see the devil itself smirking at me. Harry mother fucking Styles.

"Styles I'm a big girl I don't need your money." I huffed and walked to the pick up line.

"You know most girls would be grateful and flattered."

"Well I think you and me both know I'm not most girls. Now can you kindly get away from me."

"Large Carmel frappé." The lady said holding up my drink.

"That's me. Thank you." I said while grabbing the cup and taking a long sip. This is my addiction. I need this in my life twice a week at least.

"Seems like you love coffee huh." Harry said while following me out the door.

"Way to state the obvious."

"Where are you headed to?" He asked.
"To my next class. Where you should be going too." I said.

"Nah. Who needs education? I say we get out of here and I'll show you around." He offered.

"As tempting as that sounds. I basically lived here all my life so I don't need a tour."

"Which part you live in." He asked.
"Orlando." I answered.

"Baby girl we are in Tampa I doubt you know your way around here." He's right this is my first time in Tampa and I don't know where any thing is.

"Alright let's go." I said.
"Excellent." He clapped his hands. "Motorcycle or car?"

"Car. You doofus and your driving." I said getting into the passenger seat of my car.

"The name calling really hurts my feelings." He fakes a sniffle.

"Shut up and drive." I laughed.

"Someone's in a pissy mood today. What's got your panties in a twist?"

"It's that fucking teacher Mr. Walker. I hate that class and it was only my first day."

"Sweetheart it only gets worse from there."
"Thanks for the encouragement." I muttered.

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