Chapter 4: Who is Harry styles

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Chapter 4: Who is Harry styles

I wake up to the sound of my mother banging on my door. Again. "Mykia we need to talk, open the door." she said. I roll over and see it's like 8:50a.m. why is she waking me up so early. I walk over to the door and open in to let her in.

"Goodmorning mom, you look beautiful as always." I smile trying to get on her good side.

"Cut the crap Kia, I got to get to work soon and we need to discuss your actions at the graduation." "Alright, I'm sorry but I was just happy to be leaving that school and done with high school, your the one who told me to always speak my mind. I just had been holding back all these years waiting for that moment." I said.

"I don't really care, you shouldn't have been cussing like that. Learn to watch your lanuage. Your 18 and it's time you learn to be respectful."

"I understand mother love you. can I go back to sleep now?" I asked. She smirked and walked away. Why did she smirk? It's never good when she smirk. I stalk afer her. "What do you have in mind Angie." I said cautious. I used her real name beacause this is serious.

"Oh nothing Kia. just that I have to get going and you're watching your brother." she said walking out of the front door before I can even protest. This is so not fair. "Jarold, your not going to school." I yelled. Who needs education these days. I walk into the kitchen to make breakfast but stop when I see a note on the fridge.

'Kia, Jarold has practice at 2, a playdate with his friends at 4:30, and tutorting at 6. I expect you to get him there all on time. Oh and watch the dishes, clean your room, and the house. Love youXx.'

"Hey butthead whatcha doing im hungry make me food and we don't have school today." The devil speaks. When did he get down here? They don't have school today? Good. "Why the fuck you have so much shit to do. My day was never this busy as a kid." I said while biting an apple.

"I don't know maybe because you were a loser with no friends and have no athletic skills once so ever." he laughed. I dont even a come back beacause he's right my childhood was boring as fuck. "Okay whatever dork you got me there, make your own breakfast and get ready. We're leaving at 1."

I walk in my room just as my phone ding telling me I have a text message. I check and see it's from Niall: 'HQ at 12 it's mandatory.'

I replied back: 'can't watching the little booger and he has a very tight schedule plus I have to clean this house.' Almost instantly he replied back: 'On my way get ready.' Did he not just understand what I said? Obviously not. I check the time: 9:20. I walk to the bathroom to take my shower.


After my shower I put on skinny jeans, a floral pink crop top, and my pink Doc Martens. I applied a thin layer of mascara and pink lip gloss and it took another 20 minuites curling my hair. The door bell rings and I answered it since the boy fell asleep. "Hey, you like nice." Niall greeted. He's so nice always complimenting me. "Thanks, but what im going to do about the boy and the house."

"Well Mykia, thats when being an angent comes in handy, you can have anyone do your work for you and as for the boy I have somebody to watch him." he said then step aside to reveal a van parked in the driveway with the name 'cleaning service' on the side. Okay im beginging to like this job. I let everyone in and told the cleaning people what to do and they got right to it.

"This is Megan, she will be Jarold babysitter." Niall said. I took in her apperance and took note that she was short, with black short hair, and wore glasses. She was quite pretty. I smiled and shook her head telling her the schedule for Jarold. I threw a pillow at Jarold head. "Get up loser change of plans."

When everything was setteled Niall tapped his watch saying we have to go or we'll be late. We walked outside and the nice breeze was blowing my hair. Oh how I love Florida wheather. Niall car was all black and very nice, I wish I could say the same for his driving.

He ran every stop sign and barely made it in time to stop at a red light. On top of that he was going 190mph. I was scared out of my mind praying and hoping we didn't crash. So when we finally arived at HQ I must have looked like a crazy person practically hugging the ground.

"Do you have a badge yet?" he asked. "A badge? No why." I replied. "Well that's the first thing you show people you know like your an agent or whatever." he saw my expression which was still slightly confused and he laughed pulling me towards the buliding. "Morning Garett." he said to the man sitting at the front desk. "Morning Horan, Whitley." he replied. He knows my name?

"Yea. everyome knows your name your like the new girl." Niall said reading my mind basically. We walked into the elevator and he pressed floor 15. "So what are we doing here." I said. "First we're getting you a badge, second you are attending a meeting."

After taking my picture for my badge Niall lead me towards the meeting room. It was grand. A table was in the middle with many seats one each and every side. A coffee and breafast table was in the corners. About 15 men and John White was in the room. They all stopped talking when they noticed my presence and stared. I stared back.

"Ahhhh Ms.Whitley nice of you to finally join us, take a seat everyone let's get started shall we." Everyone took a seat including myself.

"First thing first, I'll like to congratulate our new agent, Ms.whitley." Everyone clapped. "Ok now. Whitley I understand you wanted your friends to be here too but we simply just can't allow 2 other teenage girls here. I barely conviced the board to allow you here." I nodded my head in understandment.

"I have good news." John continued.

"We know the where abouts of where Harry Styles is." I raised my hand in confusion. "Who is Harry Styles?" I asked.

"He is the world most dangerous criminal, he kills, steals, rob banks, do drugs, anything you can think of he does it and although we know what he looks like and know his name. We could never hold him for more that 24hours because we don't have enough evidence.This has been going on for years and we still haven't caught him yet and thats where you come in Whitley."

Ok im offically confused. "How am I suppose to catch him if you guys can't?"

"Well, right know we know Harry Styles have enrolled into Florida State University." John said. "How do you know this?"

"We have our connections Whitley." "As I was saying that's where you come in." John pointed to me.

"Your first big case will be to provide enough evidence to hold Harry Styles in prison for life. So pack your bags, your going to college."


that was 1270 words i just typed. whew *wipes sweat off*. lol but this was probably the most i ever written and i will just continue to write more. Comment. Vote. Share. please! thanks. and thanks to tripvybvby for making me an amazing cover!

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