Chapter 3: The agency

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Chapter 3: The agency

The food room was extraordinary and I don't usually use big words but that word was necessary to describe this food.

Everything you could imagine was piled in a line on a long table in the middle of the room. A chocolate fountain along with desserts on the far left table. I don't know what to choose from.

I grab a plate and head straight for the chicken, macaroni, and more chicken. Then I head to the dessert table and grab cookies, cupcake, and cake. I take a seat at the table and dig in wasting no time to devour this glorious food.

"Damn girl slow down. You must haven't ate in centuries" a voice said. I slowly turn around to see who interrupted my moment with this food and saw a boy around my age taking a seat next to me.

"Hey a girl got to eat when she's hungry which is very frequently. And who may you be." I replied.

"My name is Agent Horan, Niall Horan. And I'm your partner and trainer." The boy Niall said. I turned and took notice that he was very cute. He had electrifying blue eyes, blonde hair, and a smile that will make you melt.

I don't usually like blondes but something about him seems different and I like it. I smile and shook his hands. "I'm Mykia Whitley." "Yes silly I know that, I was assigned with you" he laughed. Right duh mentally punches self.

I noticed he had slight Irish accent which is cute. I finished my food and went up to get a drink then saw that Niall was watching me intensely. "What?" I said raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Nothing your just really gorgeous." He blushed awww so adorable. "Thanks." I said awkwardly. "Well let's get this training started shall we." Niall said and leading the way.

After running up 4 flights of stairs 5times, doing 50 squats, push-ups and sit-ups and so many other things I didn't know you can do I collapsed on the training room couch exhausted.

"You're tired? You barely did anything all you did was half-ass the work. Mykia you have to get in shape if you want to be the best." Niall lectures me.

"Listen man I know your trying to help but all this stuff you made me do seems unnecessary."

"I'm only trying to make you better. And this is only the beginning. what if someone was chasing you or you were chasing someone you need to be able to ge-" I cut him off. "Okay okay I get it but if you really want to help you would show me how to shoot a gun." I grinned.

"If you insist. Your going to need to learn sooner or later so let's go." oh my gosh is he serious yes! I practically run out of the room to where I previously saw the gun rage in. I know this place has a gun rage! I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mall in here.

"See now if I can get that type of energy from you all the time you would be in shape in no time" Niall said catching up to me. "Haha. Now tell me how to do this" I said while grabbing a gun.

"Woah easy tiger. Just aim the gun at the target and shoot.". He instructed. Sounded easy enough but when I shot the gun it was no where near the target. Dang flabbit.

"What you have to do is concentrate and" he moves behind me wrapping his hands around mines where the gun is and aimed straight at the target head. We both pulled the trigger and it went straight through the head. "Have good aim." he finished. Niall was so close I could hear his heart beating and his breath against my ear.

He let go and I frowned. I enjoyed his arms around me. What are you saying Kia? Jesus this boy is making me crazy. "Okay a few more rounds then I have to get you home before your mother kills you."

"The queen has arrived bow down you peasants I'm home" I sang while walking into the house.

Of course my brother was in the living room playing the game. "Nobody cares" he said. I walked over and hit him in the head. "That is no way you talk to a queen." He obviously payed me no attention and went back to playing grand theft auto V.

I go up to my room and change into my Mickey Mouse pajamas. I washed my face and put my hair it into a ponytail before getting into my bed and pulling out my phone.

Surprisingly I had 5 text messages. 1 from my mom saying: 'where the hell are you it's after 11'. She must be sleep seeing as I didn't get yelled at.

The next 2 was from Nae and Steph. Apparently we were in a group chat: 'oh my god where did you go Kia the speech you gave at graduation was hilarious ' 'yea when you left the principal scolded us on how we don't behave like that'. I snorted. Fuck that principal. I replied back: 'I'm fine, just got home about to go to sleep. Night bitches. Xx'

The next one was from Niall stating the rules on being an agent: '1; never tell anyone who you are and what you do. 2; always call for backup. 3; never get attached to a case emotionally. 4; never break the rules or you will be executed.' Well that is crucial. But this last text I wasn't expecting it was an unknown number saying: 'someone will get hurt. This is dangerous game that you're getting yourself into. I advise you leave now while you can.' The text warned.

Before my brain could react my fingers were already replying back: 'game on then bitch.'

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