Crazy stuff (Major spoilers for mho)

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This is a major spoiler so if you are not caught up with mho don't read this. 

I'm so sad database died. He was my favorite teacher and the scene where his kid(the older one who talked a lot, can't remember their name rn) said "mommy? What do they mean daddy passed away? Did he go somewhere?" ( not the exact line) I almost cried 😭 

I can't believe he died I am honestly surprised he did. I hope No other main-ish kind of characters die 

Another spoiler. Don't read unless you have seen flex/xylo/Alexanders newest mho video(episode 32, "THEY KNOW" ) 

I wonder what will happen to flex. There was so many surprises happening lately. First L.O.V.E robs a bank, database dies, and now flex is being taken back to the lab. I expected him to turn into roxy or something and be like "rumor has it you don't know who I am!" I didn't think that he'd actually get taken by the guy. I'm so excited to see what will happen next, what do you guys think will happen, do you have any theories about mho? 

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