Cal(evil cal) x set

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Hiya! So I think I'm improving on my writing so hopefully this'll be better then the last one. and thank you for the person who requested this! Also this is a au so most stuff isn't cannon and I changed up the story line they requested I'm sorry. Hope you enjoy anyway though!

Cal's POV:

I'm standing still just watching the pathetic people in camp..all they seem to do is laugh and talk why can't they just stop. I would say I'm jealous but I shouldn't be, I have set and power that's all I really need. I walk off wondering where I'm even walking off to but then I ran into someone,  I couldn't tell who it was at first but I then was xylo. I didn't feel like fighting I just want to go home to set and take a nap so I was a bit disappointed when I felt him push me down and take out his sword. "Get back!" I heard him yell and next thing I knew I was on the ground my vision slightly blurry but still able to make out the new figure in front of me, mario. Mario had hit me with some lightning..why are they even fighting me, I've done nothing wrong yet. I start to stand up but then meet the ground again feeling Mario's sword at my arm. He wasn't stabbing me but I could tell he would it I did anything. "Your not going anywhere cal..not after you killed Helios and almost killed my friends" Mario always gets to cocky and thinks he can always save the day by himself.

 I quickly push him off and pull out my sword I had beside me swinging it and barely missing his head. I was about to run away until xylo who I forgot was there, punched me and hit my side with his sword. The sword didn't go all the way in my side but it still hurt a lot, I winced in pain but didn't let myself fall down. I felt the blood drip down my leg as I began to run again seeing xylo surprisingly turn around to help mario who had fallen down. {A hour later} I finally got to where set and I lived the blood from my side staining my clothing and still hurting like hell. (Sorry for the slight swear. I don't even count that as a swear but sorry anyways-) I'm surprised I haven't bleed out or that I was able to get here. I stumbled a bit but get inside and yell for set "ugh what is it!" Set walked into the room then ran to me once he saw how injured I was. He immediately picked me up bridal style surprisingly gently then sets me on his bed walking off again leaving me there for a second then arriving back with bandages and a damp towel in his hand. "I need to bandage up your wound cal, so move over" I groan in pain as I move over on the bed a bit to give him room to sit down. "I need to take off your shirt and vest to clean the wound and bandage it" a blush a bit but let him begin to take it off. After a few minutes he was done bandaging up my wound and cleaning it. I look over to see him blushing slightly but keeping a straight face. We sat in silence for a second then he began to speak "so how'd this happen cal?" " I ran into xylo and mario, everything was ok until xylo hit me in the side with his sword" "ugh I'll kill him when I see him" you could sense to anger in his voice when he heard what xylo did. "Well you need to rest so you can heal and look like your hot self again" 'did he just call me hot?!' I thought to myself blushing a bit 

 " So now I'll leave you here to sleep" he stands up and begins to walk away "I can't sleep I need to train, if I can't even fight xylo and mario I won't be able to do anything" I say begging to stand up "cal you need to rest" set says pushing me back down to sit on the bed. "You aren't going anywhere and it you do I'll kiss you" I couldn't tell if I wanted that to happen or not, I just know my face was red when he said that. "W-what?!" " you heard me cal, if you try to go somewhere instead if resting I'll kiss you" "set it we want to rule over this camp-" I say getting cut off by sets face meeting mine. He kissed me as a sat surprised he actually did it. I eventually kissed back then we pulled apart. He smiled as my face was red as a tomato "w-what was that for?!" "I told you I was gonna kiss you if you didn't listen. And you enjoyed it didn't you?~" Set teased me as I got more and more flustered. I kissed him once more and he pushed me down on the bed(don't worry I'm not doing smut. If I was I would have put a warning) then he pulled his face away "I think that's enough for today cal, Now get some rest" he walked out of the room leaving me flustered and red as a tomato but still in pain because of the wound

     Finally I'm done! Sorry this took so long! And sorry for any mistakes it's one in the morning for me rn and I don't feel like looking over it😅. Hope you enjoyed, bye<3

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