Fallout origins(mario/Johnny x xylo)

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Hiya! So I know fallout origins was cancelled and is old but it was one of my favorite origins and Mario/Johnny was my favorite character. Also if you requested something so sorry I'm taking forever TwT. Hope you enjoy!

Mario's P.O.V 

I was walking around looking to see if I could find some resources when I stumbled upon xylo. "Oh hello mario!" Xylo greets me as I approach. "Hi xylo." I say cautiously still wondering if he'll try and bring Johnny out like he did last time. "What are you doing out here mario?" " just looking for resources" I hear Johnny echoing in my head I couldn't make out what he was saying at first but then I realized what he was saying..'it's the cute guy' Johnny echoed and my face turned red "you ok mario? You seem a bit red, do you have a fever?" " O-oh! No, just Johnny said something " "oh Johnny, does he want to come out?" " Why do you ask.. " "I just want to talk to him again! I just wanna get some data that's all" "no. After what you did last time shocking me and everything I'm making sure to not let him out near you" xylo  got a bit closer and I blushed slightly 'why am I blushing?! Ugh there is no way I'm in love with this guy' I thought to myself still blushing "oh I know! I'll trade you some resources if you just let Johnny out for a little bit" "how do I know your not lying" "you can trust me mario! I promise" " fine..but not for long, and no funny business " xylo smiled and pulled out his tesla gun then shocked me till Johnny came out. "Ah hello Johnny!" " Hi~" "I just need some data so do As you'd like for now" "ok, but no more shocky stuff" "ok, no more shocky stuff"

Xylo's P.O.V: 

I watch Johnny pull out his gun and shoot the "monsters" that roam our lands. "Hey Johnny how about we talk a bit, get to know each other?" " Ok~" Johnny said as he walked towards me still holding his gun.  "So let's get to know each other, uhh what's your favorite color?" " uhhh purple" "interesting I prefer green"(these are just the first colors I thought of lol) I say while Johnny sits crisscross Apple sauce on the ground just looking up at me. "Sit with me" I sit down beside him and he scoots close to me. "You ok Johnny? Your face seems slightly red and you seem calmer then usual" "mm yeah jonny's just tired and doesn't feel like playing right now" "oh ok, you can back home if you need-" I was saying till Johnny layed his head on my lap and I felt a feeling..is this what they call love? Johnny moved his gun aside and closed his eyes..He looks so peaceful and cute. I mess with his hair and he smiles then falls asleep after a minute.     {A hour later} I see Mario's eyes open he yawns slightly then notices where he is "ah good morning jonny..or mario?" " Mario. And what am I doing here?! " "oh! Well Johnny wanted to take a nap surprisingly" Mario blushes slightly..does he feel the same feeling to? Mario stands up and grabs his guns off the ground. I stand up and we look at each other for a second in silence until mario speaks up "so what about the resources you promised?" " Yes, follow me and I'll give you the resources you need" after I give mario the resources we walk outside and say our goodbyes with rosey blush on our faces as we smile. 

Hope you enjoyed! And yes I know xylo probably can't blush sense he was a synth but I didn't know what else to do. Also feel free to request ships And sorry if I take a bit on requests😅 bye!

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