[02] Meeting

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I blushed furiously, covering my mouth with the back of one hand, backing away slowly as I still sat on the ground, dumbfounded.

Leon stared back at me with a confident smirk before licking the cut on his hand. Our eyes were locked the entire time.

"I'm leaving, you j-jerk!" I stammered, leaping to my feet in a hurry. I knew if I stayed any longer, I was bound to humiliate myself in front of him again.

In my panic, I stumbled over the stairs and landed in a heap at the bottom. I was humiliated to see that Leon had still been watching as he broke into a fit of laughter.

"Hahaha, you're a freaking riot!" He laughed, clutching his stomach. The guardsmen that had gathered stood next to him, making sure that he wouldn't run.

"Now now, Leon, don' be so rude to ya fiancee." Van shook his head, marching over to his son as he laughed loudly. Clearly I was some sort form of entertainment for these two.  

I gagged at the word. I was nineteen years old, for crying out loud! And just the thought of being tied to this guy for the rest of my life? 

"And if I'd known you were so eager to meet her, I would've taken yeh to see her yest'rday." He added with a more sinister aura, his eyebrows raising skeptically as he eyed the broken glass on the ground.

It was obvious that he knew the real story behind Leon's attempted escape.

"Hmph. Like I f*cking care." Leon's behaviour had turned completely foul again, and the distant look in his eyes was completely different from the childlike, unbridled happiness that he had expressed openly earlier.

... But what did it concern me, anyways? Why did I have to feel worried about this stupid creep?

"Now, Linette darling, don't lose your temper wit' him already, kay? He's just a lil' grumpy, dat's all." Van grinned at me. I shuddered as a cold shiver passed along my spine.There seemed to be something incredibly dangerous lurking behind his smile.

"But yer pretty light handed, aren't yeh? I thought you'd have a lot more stuff then that teensy bag, but it's alright wit' me if you want to buy new stuff." He chuckled, pulling out another pipe and lighting it. My eyes watered from the unbearable stench of the smoke from the pipe. I struggled to keep a straight face as my lips tensed into a firm line.

... What did he just say?

"Whoa, wait. Could you repeat that? Aren't I just here to meet him?" I stuttered, clutching my purse with worry.

"Ha! Is that what yer mamma told yeh? She's a funny one, ain't she?" His laugh startled me. His voice was already so low and raspy, but his laugh resembled a foghorn. 

"You're living here." Leon interrupted, a mischievous grin on his lips as he slowly approached me. The guardsmen around him mimicked his every movement at his sides.

"You're mine now, so it's only obvious that you stay here, isn't it, babe?" He smirked, his fingers on my chin. His expression was so selfless and confident that I couldn't help but be drawn towards him.

Why was he always so freaking charismatic?! It was hard to find the strength to look away from his piercing eyes. 

With a deep breath, I swatted his hand away and glared at him furiously. I was going to be clear from the start about myself. 

"I have no intention of living here, okay?" I retorted, my hands shaking with anger at my sides. "And I don't recall ever become your 'possession', either. So don't even think about calling me 'yours', got it?" I retorted venomously, storming away and refusing to look back.

"Get her."

The sound of Van's low voice drove another wave of shivers down my spine, even more so as a circle formed around me of all the guardsmen, blocking my way to the gate. It felt like I was being swarmed by wolves. 

"What do you think you're doing? I said I want to leave!" I shouted, trying to hide any traces of fear in my voice although I was visibly terrified. My knowledge about the mafia was pretty limited, and I would preferred to have left it that way. 

"Hon." Van responded, his voice void of any humour despite the broad smile plastered on his face. "Didn't yeh hear what I said? You live here now. And yer not allowed t' leave unless I say so, understand?"

I could feel my knees go weak beneath me. He was serious.

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