[14] Just Desserts

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"So what should we do?" I asked curiously, trying not to overtly ogle Leon. Poorly, mind you. Although he didn't look it with his clothes on, he was toned. And after his previous comment, I couldn't help but feel overly aware of everything the man said and did. Even being in the same room as him made me a little uneasy. 

"Why don't we pay them a visit, as planned? It could be interesting." Leon smirked arrogantly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've been missing out on all the action lately... this could be fun." He added with a malicious smile. It seemed like he was playing off on a double meaning there.

He sauntered casually to the fridge in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Lifting it slowly to his lips, he chugged at least a quarter of it in a few gulps, his eyes locked on me all the while. He seductively wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyebrows arched as he lowered the bottle onto the counter. Now he was being obvious. 

"Unless... you want to stay here with me." He purred, taking a step towards me. His eyes still meeting mine, he softly ran his thumb across his lower lip. It almost felt like he was kissing me with his eyes. Embarrassed, I quickly averted my gaze, my cheeks burning.

"I'm fine, t-thanks." I stammered, unable to keep eye contact. I still couldn't tell if he was being serious or just toying with me. He took another gulp of water. A few droplets slid down his neck, forming beads of water across his chest. Okay, now I felt like I was being way too conscious. My heart was going to go out of control if I stayed with him any longer. I was majorly checking him out and he was flaunting it. 

"We should probably see if they have anything to do with the fire." I continued, trying to play it cool.

"Good point." He nodded approvingly, placing the bottle on the counter and quickly walking over to the fridge and opened it again. "Should I bring a bottle of champagne over or something?" He mumbled to himself, peering into the fridge for a few seconds. He suddenly stopped mid-search to stare at me intently. My body felt like it was burning. 

"What?" I demanded, feeling even more embarrassed as I crossed my arms timidly across my chest. I could see his eyes scan me up and down, and I wanted to just bolt from the room right then and there.

"Just imagining what you'd be like drunk." He sneered, narrowing his eyes as if envisioning the experience. "You drink often?"

"Nope." I retorted, throwing myself onto the couch. Last time I drank I couldn't remember a thing... When I woke up the room looked like a hurricane had hit it... Come to think of it, I think Alyssa was there...

"Oh!" I gasped, suddenly recalling something important. "Leon, do you know anyone with a tattoo on their left shoulder?" I asked. "That's the guy I bumped into at the house. He was gone when you came, though."

"A tattoo?" Leon frowned, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to remember. He leaned coolly against the fridge door. His eyes darkened . "What kind of tattoo?" He pressed, his eyebrows furrowed. 

"I'm not really sure... it was a black symbol of something. I didn't get a good look... but oh, but he was injured too. He had a huge gash on his back."

A look of surprise flashed across his face.

Leon instantly whipped out his cellphone, hurriedly dialled in a number, and began tapping his fingers against the fridge impatiently in a matter of seconds. Who was he calling?

"Marcel? It's me. I want you to check something for me. Yeah... Yeah. Ask the guys if they they found anyone suspicious during the fire. He has a wound across his back. Make sure to get a description. He's probably the culprit... What? When? Okay. I've already got an idea of who it is. Yeah. We're fine. Give me the report tomorrow. Bye." Leon spoke into the phone so vigorously that his hands were shaking. He had gone from sultry to agitated in a matter of seconds.

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