[08] Infiltration

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"F*ck! How could this have happened?"

The  crowd that had gathered around Leon cursed with anger. He was currently laying in bed, panting heavily beneath a thick layer of duvet covers. Everyone could tell he was in excruciating pain: his face was flushed, his body quivered uncontrollably, and beads of sweat formed across hi face. It was like having a terrible fever and pneumonia at the same time. 

"He doesn't seem to be getting better, no matter what we do---it's already been three days!"

My body shuddered in fear, and I clenched the ball of paper in my hand even tighter. The card was so crumpled and worn out now that the words were indistinguishable. However, I had read it over and over again with so much disdain and rage that even if I had wanted to forget the address, it had already been burned into my memory.

"Linette, are you sure you don't know anything else?" Marcel questioned me, his eyes filled with skepticism. I shook my head before backing away, unable to meet eyes with him.

"I'm sorry. I don't have a clue." I responded, biting down on my lip bitterly from my lie.

I was being such a coward. I just couldn't bring myself to (somehow) escape from the Sangria Estate. My leg was all better now; and the only thing holding me back was fear.

"L-Linette..." Leon choked, my name caught between his uneven breaths. I rushed to his side, eyes about to brim over with tears as I watched him weakly open his eyes, forcing himself to smile.

"Y-You better n-not be... blaming... yourself... idiot..." He wheezed, chuckling before he broke into a coughing fit. 

"Don't talk anymore." I responded, dabbing at his face with a towel. All his men couldn't bear to see him like this and turned away to face the wall.

His father had been the most worried---he had called for numerous doctors, physicians, and specialists to take a look at his son, but no one could find a proper antidote. The dosage and strength of the poison couldn't be properly evaluated without risking Leon's life. 

"This is preposterous. Linette, you definitely know something. Who do you think I am?" Marcel demanded, now being impatient as he adjusted his glasses. 

I had forgotten that he was the information gatherer who specialized in... torture.

"I don't know anything..." I retorted, looking away. It felt like the psycho would appear if I did so much as utter a word. I wasn't going to put Leon in an even worse position by just blabbing everything.

"But you're just so susp---" Marcel reached towards me, but was abruptly stopped by Leon, who had forced himself to sit up with great agony. 

"D-Don't you dare, M-Marcel..." Leon threatened, his hand trembling as it was clamped around Marcel's wrist. "She would... never lie..." 

Leon collapsed painfully on the bed, and all the men rushed forwards once more. 

Marcel gave me a dirty look, still completely suspicious of me, and rightfully so, before he left the room to call for the doctor.

He had every right to be suspicious of me.

But I could not wait any longer. I couldn't betray Leon's trust in me like that. 

He had put his faith in me. If he believed in me, I had to believe in myself.

Let his confidence in me become my confidence. I have to be courageous. Strong. Determined.

"I won't break my promise." I whispered, dashing out of the room as I smiled weakly at Leon one last time.


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