[27] False Hope

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My voice was caught in my throat. I was too afraid to even breathe, let alone move.

The room was eerily still for a moment, as though stuck in freeze-frame.

The man behind me suddenly began to laugh, and he laughed in such a pleasant manner that it was kind of ominous considering the circumstances.

"I'm just kidding, Linette. It's just me."

Although the voice wasn't familiar, I hesitantly turned around, my mouth falling open as I came face to face with none other than Arc.

"You're alive!" I gasped, flinging myself towards him unintentionally as I kind of jumped him. I could feel tears trickle down my eyes as he flicked my forehead, sticking his tongue out.

"Course I am. Think a little fire can put out this man?" He added with a wink. I giggled, wiping my eyes. This was great---Ares and Leon would be so happy!

Though Arc and I hadn't been really close in the first place, after all that had happened---it was nice to have a comrade, especially if... he was supposed to be my future, err, brother-in-law. That was a weird thought to consider.

"But how'd you manage to get out with so little... injury?" I asked curiously, eying him suspiciously. I knew Arc was strong, but invincible? That was a little bit overboard, if you ask me, even for a crazy guy like him.

"Trust me, if you poked me, I'd probably faint from the pain, you know~!" He laughed childishly, the familiar playful tone emerging. I laughed in response, watching as he sat down next to me. He hadn't even been holding a gun---I had been completely fooled.

"My throat hasn't recovered from all the fire fumes, either, if you're wondering why my voice sounds kind of funny." He admitted, coughing. I glanced at him for a moment. Something more than that seemed... off. I couldn't really put my finger around it, but Arc seemed... different. And maybe a near-death experience did that to you, but still...

"Oh my god, I almost forgot! Aren't you supposed to be a hostage? And how did you even escape from the church?" I whispered anxiously, multiple questions popping up in my head.

I leapt slightly as a loud rattling sound came from within the room, though I wasn't sure where.

"What was that noise?" I hissed, starting to get worried. This wasn't some freaking horror movie for crying out loud!

"Shhh. I'm trying to find out myself." Arc responded, scanning our surroundings.

The room we were in (now that I could take a good look around) was very narrow and cramped, filled with crates and longer boxes that resembled coffins, which I was hoping were empty.

My eyes flickering towards the steel-plated door for a second. It didn't seem to be locked... was that last man just being careless? Or were they planning on returning soon? Either way, Arc and I had to find some way to get out of the room without drawing the attention of any of the guards outside. And considering if this was a huge illegal drug trafficking operation... they were probably well equipped.

"Anyways, in response to your questions, we can save that for later. We're not exactly in the best of situations here right now, aren't we~?" He grinned, hopping off the crates and heading towards the door.

"What?! You're just going to march right out there into probably open fire? Don't you have any common sense?" I scolded harshly, trying to ignore the rattling as it sounded again.

"Nope. I really don't." Arc sneered. "But I guess doing this my way won't work as well with you here..." He frowned. I glared at him. Well sorry for being a nuisance!

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