[36] Eye for an Eye

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Hello my lovelies, :D

Sorry about the super long wait, and again, I can only say university midterms. -.-

Enjoy C:  


“Hey cutie, been a while, hasn’t it?”

Frey’s voice boomed loudly from the speakers of the helicopter. I narrowed my eyes, and quickly grabbed the receiver from Rei’s helicopter.

“Yeah. Too long.”

I gritted my teeth as I glared venomously at the pilot next to me.

Rei placed a hand on my knee, urging me to calm down. Did he honestly believe I could calm down, as I helplessly watched my friends dangle like hooked fish by their wrists?

My eyes flickered to the terrified expression on Ares’ face and the ridiculous laughing coming from Alyssa. I couldn’t tell if she actually found the whole situation an absolute riot or if she had lost her mind. Knowing her, it was probably both.

“I brought you a present. Do you like it? I thought you might be a little lonely at the Tyrian place, but I see that wasn’t a problem for you.” Damon sneered coquettishly, his smile almost mocking.

Another series of projectiles zoomed from the helicopter opposing us, though this time, it was none other than lovely Tarra, holding another one of his toys over his shoulder. The thinner, sleeker model of a machine gun fired rapidly at our window, and to which in response, Rei began to pat his body with his free hand, as though searching for something.

“Rei, can’t we do something?” I whispered, turning towards him. “But nothing too big, I don’t want us to accidentally hit Alyssa or Ares in the process.”

Rei paused for a moment, and suddenly pulled an automatic from behind his back, smiling smugly as he handed me the revolver.

“Are you serious? A revolver against a machine gun?” I gawked, hesitantly taking the automatic from him. He flashed a brief smile before facing forwards again. The researchers sitting in the back exchanged makeshift glances.

At least you’re not the one using it.

“You’ve got seven shots. Seven shots… and me.” He added with a chuckle under his breath before diving towards the helicopter, aiming straight for Ares and Alyssa.

Rei suddenly deviated from his intended path, seemingly tripping on air for a moment as the pressure beneath us caused us to tip to the left, the edges of the rotating blades sliced against the surface of Frey’s helicopter.

Frey, with equally agile movement, easily got away with a grazed surface, though he looked rather amused by the whole situation.

I gulped for a moment, before sliding open the door and firing my first shot straight for what seemed to be one of the launchers on the base of the helicopter. The bullet was easily deflected, though a dark mark resided on the metallic surface.

“Hey, that’s not very nice, considering we came here to welcome you and everything. The one we want is the man next to you, cutie, you’re safe.” Frey insisted, his voice barely audible over the rapid-fire resounding through the air from Tarra’s gun.

“Well it just so happens he’s the pilot, so if you’re going to knock him out you may as well knock us all out.” I screamed into the receiver, forcing the door back to close. I had to think of some sort of strategy if I wanted to save the AA couple (Ares and Alyssa, of course) any time soon.

“That’s true, I guess… then why don’t you take the wheel? I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind surrendering to save some face, after all.” Frey continued, as Rei continued to manoeuvre back and forth through the air.

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