[03] Debut

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I twiddled my thumbs uncomfortably, my eyes glancing shiftily from side to side with concern.

This was awkward.

I was getting my hair done. Currently, I was sitting in a mahogany coloured wooden chair, and with nothing to do, I just toyed with the small tazer in my lap. For whatever reason, I was blindfolded. It was supposed to make the whole experience that much bigger of a surprise, but was it really that necessary?

I didn't really know what a "sexy mafaswirlacurls" was, (that's what the hairdresser told me it was called, but perhaps my distraught mind was conjuring up these crazy names), but I was hoping it would look okay. Since it seemed like it was going to be painless process, it wouldn't hurt to try it, no matter how sketchy it sounded.

The smell of gel and perfume was overwhelming in the room. Since it was a small, exclusive salon inside of the Sangria residence, I felt like I was drowning in the thick odour. A giggle passed my lips as I felt another lady slide her fingers across my toes, meticulously doing a pedicure. I really was being pampered. It was probably for all the crap I was going to have to go through later.

I had already changed into a dress, which was a sleek, midnight-blue colour with a bow adjusted just at the pit of my back. A small string of pearls was threaded across my chest and tied behind my neck so I wouldn't end up flashing everyone accidentally later.

The dress itself reached the floor in a very formal style, but there was a slit on the side of the dress that practically reached all the way up to my upper thigh. Thinking negatively, I'd have to waddle like a freaking penguin everywhere to try and not flash everyone (again), but positively, if I needed to run, I could ignore decency and run like a maniac since my legs had some freedom. Yeah... let's stick with that.

"Oh my goodness, dahling! You look absolutely gorgeous If I do say so myself. Which I do say." The lady shrieked with utter delight, flailing her arms at her sides in glee.

Why did every lady's voice here seem to be completely ear-splitting and booming. It reminded me of the sound your television would make when you go a channel that doesn't exist and the grey fuzzy screen pops up. Yeah. That frightening.

The blindfold that had been pulled over my eyes was lowered, and my mouth literally fell open.

My hair, which was normal straight and slightly past my shoulders, now billowed all the way down my back in enormous, glamorous waves and curls, thanks to some fancy extensions.

"Whoa, I look like a different person!" I sputtered in astonishment. The ladies next to me nodded in agreement, all continuing to praise me until I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

Maybe I had judged them too quickly. Appearances weren't everything, after all. Van was clearly some one to be wary of, but maybe the other people here... were different.

"Now, dahling, you need some makeup to stir up the men in there. Give em' a show, you know?"

Like a swarm of bees, the ladies surrounded me within seconds, all holding makeup applicators and palettes in either hand. They immediately began to apply layers upon layers of makeup, from powder, to blush, to eyeshadow---they were all so hectic and excited that it was starting to rub off on me. I couldn't help but smile as they finally finished, applying a deep shade of red to my lips and asked me to pop them.

Finally satisfied, the women exchanged triumphant looks and urged me to look in the mirror. Considering I already had a rather youthful face, I had thought that the make up may just look silly on me. But like my hair, I really did look a lot more mature and older---pretty, even. And despite what felt like layers of make up being applied, it was a fairly natural, with a pin-up feel to it. Dark eyes, red lips, powdered skin---I looked good. I should have asked them to do my make up for prom.

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