Up Close and Personal

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Over at the clinic, Minji isn't doing all that well. Waking up every hour and a half isn't exactly conducive to a good night's sleep. In the middle of the night, Minji made a disturbing discovery: coprophagia.

Earlier in the night, while they were eating their food, they showed signs of being possessive and territorial. This wasn't uncommon for dogs that are malnourished or surrounded by other dogs, where they would have to compete for a limited amount of food. For the amount of food they had eaten, the pups should have definitely pooped by now, yet there were no traces of poop anywhere. Either the little ones had a bowel blockage, or, a common action of malnourished dogs is to eat their own droppings, professionally referred to as Coprophagia. The second time Minji woke up was coincidentally when ;she found the pups doing just that. Rushing over, she picked them up, wiping their faces with a napkin and placed them inside their kennel. Quickly throwing the feces away, Minji cleaned and wiped down the floor. After checking herself to make sure she didn't step in anything, Minji took off her unpleasant smelling clothes and wrapped a blanket around herself. Hurrying upstairs, she gently opened the door to her and Siyeon's room and swapped into another set of pajamas. With the blanket in her hand, she closed the door behind her and walked back down to the first floor, scooping up the puppies and grabbing a towel. After taking a shower together in the basement's bathroom, the trio were clean and ready to relax again.

Then there was the speed dating thing. Minji never expected Yoobin to be there, but it was certainly great that she was putting herself out there again thanks to Bora. Although Minji was only there for 50 out of the 60 minutes, she highly doubted that the last two would sweep her off her feet. While she loved both of her parents in this realm, Minji knew that they would ostracize her if they knew she was gay. Luckily, her biological parents in the magical realm were very kind and understanding. She kept in touch with them pretty often, giving BoA letters and postcards whenever the older woman would head back. Minji was always elated to hear back from her parents, who were still happily living with the other members of the tribe in secluded safe haven of cold snowy mountains. Sadly, she hasn't seen her parents in person ever since the regulations about inter-realm travel tightened 4 years ago. At least she met Myungsoo, or as he referred to himself, L, who was also closeted to his parents. They agreed to help each other, and Minji knew that, from the moment they agreed to help each other, his background check had already started.

"Minji? No intended offense, but you aren't lookin so hot right now. When I saw you coming out of the house this morning, you were obviously tired and rushing out." Sojin walked into Minji's office, closing the door behind her and sitting down across from her.

"Yeah. Had a rough night with the puppies. Just checking up on them already meant sacrificing a good night of sleep, but then there was the coprophagia. I kept on yawning during the speed dating event too, which I feel guilty about since I didn't mean to come off as rude. I'll definitely have to take a nap when I get home tonight." Minji took a sip of warm tea, trying her best to look as invigorated as she usually was.

"Right. Yoobin definitely had more luck in that sense. The background check on the guy should be ready for you by tomorrow."

"Ok, sounds good." replied Minji groggily, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Hmmm...when's your next appointment? You can't exactly face your patients like this."

"In about 15 minutes. Why?"

"I can use my siren ability to lull you to sleep for 5 minutes."

"Sleep induced by siren song? I've definitely read about those in the past, but don't they usually make the dreamer weaker and tired? What's the maximum time you can make someone sleep? Can you really change my dreams in real time?"

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