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𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓭 // 𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝔂

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𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓭 // 𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝔂

"Oh you mean our manager?" Kuroo chuckled as he motioned over to the bench where the coach and Kenma stood, next to a girl.

The same girl from the water fountain.

She stood there engrossed in the conversation between them, a volleyball rested on her hip. Your (h/c) was tied back into a high ponytail, and you were dressed in black leggings and a red Nekoma jacket that hugged your figure.

Akaashi saw a slight smile emerge across your lips, and time seemed to stop for him. You were only a few steps away from him. He would finally be able to look at you up close, see all your features he only ever imagined. 

"How do you know her?" 

"It's Akaashi's little pen-pal!" Bokuto laughed almost mockingly, "They haven't met yet."

"Ooooh!" Kuroo teased back, "Do you want me to introduce you?"

"No, I'll do it on my own." Akaashi waved him off. 

"I can call her over if you wa-" Kuroo began to ask before a booming voice echoed through the gymnasium.

"Y/N!" Bokuto shouted, waving obnoxiously.

You and Kenma shot a look towards Bokuto. Your brows furrowed, confused as to who was calling your name. Kenma, on the other hand, rolled his eyes before looking over at you. You looked at Kenma, seeming unsure if you should make your way over to his little group. 

"Guys, the bus is leaving." Konoha's head peaked around the doorway, motioning for Bokuto and Akaashi to get a move on. Akaashi quickly looked at Konoha, and back at you as you made your way towards them. 

"We - uh - I ca-" Akaashi couldn't form words. This was his chance, and it was swiftly being taken away as Bokuto pulled at his arm.

"Sorry! We gotta go!" Bokuto waved behind him. Akaashi couldn't take his eyes off you. The confusion on your face.

"Oh, don't forget about next weekend!" Kuroo called out.

"Yeah, yeah." He called out.

Once out of view, Akaashi shook Bokuto off his arm.

"Dude, sorry, you know if Konoha had to get us, we were this close to being left here." He adjusted his bag on his shoulder, and they started to jog towards the bus.

"Well, I was this close to actually meeting Y/n."

"You couldn't even speak!" Bokuto was right. Akaashi shoved his hands in his pockets, clutching onto the letter that was meant for you. He was frustrated. He hesitated at his chance of trying to meet you, and karma stepped in and swiftly took that chance away.

"What's happening next weekend though?" Akaashi changed the subject.

"Oh, Kuroo is having an end of year party. We're invited." His eyes lit up with excitement, "Maybe she'll be there!"

That's what Akaashi hoped. 

Akaashi fiddled with his pocket again. He wanted you to read it regardless at how pointless it may have seem in that moment. He needed you to know he wanted to see you, that he missed you and your letters.

Whether your received the letter before or after the party, he wanted to keep you in his life this time.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫. // 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now