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𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 // 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓰𝓵𝓸𝔀

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𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 // 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓰𝓵𝓸𝔀

You sat slumped against the vending machines as Kenma tried to decided on which drink.

"I don't feel like going today." You were exhausted, and the last thing you wanted to do was go to the Nekoma's volleyball practice.

You hadn't been able to sleep ever since you sent the letter earlier that week, and you know he had to have read it by now. Deep down, you hoped he didn't resent you for never responding to him in the first place. You wouldn't hold it against him if he decided you weren't worth responding to. For all he knew, you could disappear again - even though you had no intention of doing so.

The sound of a juice box tumbling down the machine let you know that he finally made his decision. He took a set directly across from you, pulling out his handheld in the process.

"Then don't go." 

"Skip with me," You said playfully. But when his golden, cat-like eyes met yours, you quickly turned your head away. You told yourself to stop borderline flirting with him after what happened. 

Kenma was the only person you were close to, and you were always aware of his crush on you. You would always use it to your advantage when you wanted him to do something with you. But now it was finally biting you in the ass since he took these moments as you liked him back.

"You're going to want to go," Kenma mumbled.

Before you could register what Kenma meant, Kuroo appeared.

"Hi lovebirds," Kuroo leaned against the vending machine, smirking down at you in particular. It was obvious Kuroo knew about Kenma asking you out, and he couldn't help but try and make you uncomfortable.

"Not cool, Kuroo," Kenma said as he kicked Kuroo in the ankle.

You stood up, brushing you uniform skirt off. You caught a glimpse of Kenma staring at you from below. You gave him a small smile to let him know that Kuroo didn't bother you.

"I'm going to the club room to take a nap." Honestly, you wanted to be alone and close your eyes for a bit. No sleep, plus the anxiety of potentially meeting Akaashi was eating away at you.

"Kenma, why don't you go with her?" Kuroo teased.

You rolled your eyes at him. Did Kenma not tell Kuroo everything that happened? Or was Kuroo just being his obnoxious self?

You turned away, waving behind you.

"I'll see you guys at practice."

- ♡ - 

"Practice today will be with Fukurodani's volleyball team. Please be respectful."

Fukurodani. Fukurodani.

The word played on repeat in your head. You knew Akaashi was on their volleyball team, but you couldn't remember his position. When you found out the Akaashi Kenma knew was your Akaashi, you stopped listening to everything Kenma said about him.

You bit your lip. Your Akaashi.

You took a deep breath and turned to Kenma, who seemed over practice before it even began.

"Is this what you meant when you said I'd want to be here?" 

Kenma didn't respond. He pretended that whatever the coach was saying, was more interesting than what you were implying.

You kept your focus on Nekoma for most of the practice, glancing over at Fukurodani occasionally. You were trying not to gawk at them to try and figure out which one would fit your idea of who Akaashi was.

While the coach was discussing plays with the team, you took your chance to step outside to grab some water.

As you approached the fountain, there was a boy seemingly distracted, staring straight as the water bottle overflowed down his arms. You giggled to yourself at how deep in thought he was. 

Just by his profile, you could tell he was handsome. He was probably one of those pretty boys who girls flocked to easily. You didn't want to stare too long and have him think you were just another one of those girls.

As you leaned over to take a sip, you had an uneasy feeling that someone was looming over you. When you peered up, the boy was already making his way back into the gym.

You shook your head. There was no way he was looking at you, you weren't the type of girl that guys usually took a second glance at. 

You headed back into the gym and stayed by the coach's side the rest of the practice, trying your best to stay focused on your own team rather than the one on the opposite side of the net.

You told yourself you would just have to ask Kenma to introduce you, despite how reluctant he might be.

When practice ended, the coach pulled Kenma aside, and you stood anxiously between them hoping this was going to be a long discussion on game play. You knew Fukurodani was packing up their things, and had no legitimate reason to stay any longer than they need to. Your heart started to beat faster as you noticed some of the players exciting the gymnasium doors. You were going to miss your chance.

after what felt like forever, the coach finally stepped away. But before you could get a word out to Kenma, your name was called from across the gym.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫. // 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now