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𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 // 𝓽𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓻 𝓼𝔀𝓲𝓯𝓽

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𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 // 𝓽𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓻 𝓼𝔀𝓲𝓯𝓽

"Where is Kuroo? He's going to be late." Regardless of how sorry Kenma was, you didn't feel like being left alone with him. You looked out at skyline, a cool breeze hitting your warm cheeks.

When you had emerged from the bathroom, the only words you spoke to Kenma were "let's go" before walking out the front door. He stayed a few paces behind you the entire walk. 

As you made your way down the path towards the small cliff where you planned to meet Kuroo, a sudden urge came over you. It was the same feeling you felt when you confronted Akaashi that night.

You whipped around, with Kenma being blissfully unaware, almost walking into you. His eyes widened as you angrily looked up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You knew how I felt since that night, and you knew my feelings for you." You could hear the tone of your voice raise, a little shaky as you started to regret the aggressive nature you came at Kenma.

He stared blankly back at you, unsure how to respond.

"You knew I wanted him," You tried to calm your voice, "Why didn't you want me to be happy?"

Kenma reached out, reflexively pulling you into his arms to hug you. You let it happen, but you didn't reciprocate. His chin rested on top of your head, and you faintly heard him whisper "sorry."

You took a deep breath and pulled away from him, before turning to head towards to meeting spot.

"Y/n." The sound of Kenma calling your name made you stop in your tracks.

"I mean it," He continued, "I didn't want to hurt you. I was jealous. I know it's not a good enough excuse."

He took a couple steps closer.

"I thought I could get you to choose me, if you felt like Akaashi didn't want to be with you," His voice became hush, as if he realized how horrible the last part sounded.


"Y/n, I didn't mean for it to sound that way!" Kenma started to backtrack, "Listen, listen."

He tried to reach out, but you made sure he wasn't able to grab hold.

"Don't." You tried to turn away again before he could speak again.

You had no intention of staying mad at Kenma forever. You just needed some space. And now just wasn't the best time for Kuroo to be MIA. 

"He had to grab something, he'll be here soon." Kenma kept his distance, pacing around. He could tell you didn't want to be left alone with just him. You had been staring out over the city in silence with your arms crossed since you arrived at the clearing.

Suddenly, you heard rustling from the pathway behind you, that led up to the secluded cliff. You heard Kuroo talking to someone, unaware that there was another person joining you.

Kenma found his place by your side and whispered, "I do want you to be happy."

Before you could turn to look at him, Kenma was already a few steps in front of you, greeting Kuroo. A familiar silver haired boy followed behind him, and then another.

Only a short distance away, Akaashi stood in front you. Moments ago you were thinking if there was any way to see him again after what happened, and now he was here. 

Everyone seem to have disappeared from your view, leaving the two of you alone.

You wanted to tell him how happy you were to see him again, and apologize for that night - for not hearing him out. And for not responding to his letters. For ignoring him. But the words were caught in your throat. 

"Hi," He said, hands in his pockets and soft smile.

You couldn't help but smile back.

"Y/n," His name from your lips sounded sweeter this time, "I'm sor -"

Your body moved before you could react to what you were doing. You ran down the small slope, flinging your arms around Akaashi's neck. He stumbled back a bit, catching you. His arms wrapped around your waist.

You peered up from under your lashes to see Akaashi already looking down at you. He leaned down, his lips hovered above yours teasingly.

"I've been waiting," He whispered before his lips grazed yours.

Your body relaxed against his. You felt his fingers get lost in your hair as you tongues teased each other's mouths. As cliché as it was, you felt as though you couldn't get enough of this moment. 

The popping sound of fireworks were drowned out by your thoughts circling. 

When Akaashi finally pulled away, his forehead resting on yours. You bit your lip. You were finally with him, his arms wrapped around your waist

"Listen, I owe you some type of explanation for that night," He sighed.

You shook your head, "No, you don't. I should've listened. I wasn't thinking clearly and Kenma told me everything."

He lightly pressed his lips against the top of your head, and pulled you closer to his chest.

"I'm still sorry," Akaashi said, "You've meant something to me for so long, and I felt like I messed everything up."

"That makes the both of us."

You finally turned around to see the fireworks popping in the night sky. Akaashi had found himself next to you, and you couldn't help but look up at him as the colors danced across his face.

The letter you wrote to him played back in your mind - the amount of times you scribbled down words, and how many times you tossed each draft away. You could recite it so easily from the amount of times you scanned each word making sure you didn't sound like a complete fool. 

Akaashi peered down at you, his fingers becoming intertwined with your hair. He leaned down, his lips parting as he met yours, before kissing you deeply. 



I'm glad I finally met you.



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