Chapter Six Logan and the wrath of Gustavo Roche

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Hey guys chapter six! Its a lot longer so I hope  you like it! Enjoy! __________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Six- Logan, and the wrath of Gustavo Roche

After mama Knight left I fell asleep on the couch and woke up again at eleven thirty to Logan sitting in front of me, eyes drooping. I sat up. "Logan?" I asked grogily

His eyes shot open and he was attentive again. "James." He whispered.

I lowred my head and my eyes started to water, I blinked to hold the tears back. "Are you really mad at me?"

He paused. "" He sighed. " I'm just really confused. When did you decided that your...your.."

God he couldn't even say gay.

"Gay? i finished for him. "I dunno, ninth grade I think. Its just I think guys are more interesting than girls are." I shruged.

Logans P.O.V.

He just shrugged it off. I could not belive that James was gay. "Uh, James. Your gunna have to tell gustavo. And something tells me he won't be to happy..." I said.

He sighed. "I know. Might as well tell him. Griffens gunna flip."

" I forgivin?" James put on the most adorable puppy dog face I've ever seen. It makes me want to....NO! You're straight Logan. You and Camille! Common sense screamed at me.

I chuckled and said" Yes James. You are forgivin."


James P.O.V.

I had called a meeting with the rest of the band to tell them. Katie stood behind me, arm on my shoulder squezzing lightly as encouragement.

"James? What do you need to tell us?' Kendal asked.

The two ignorant members sat with eyes trained on him.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a while guys. I just was scared because of the way it went with my dad..." I took a breath. "Logan, Kendal, Carlos.... i'm gay>"

Their jaws hit the table. Logan was nice enough that he acted suprised too. No need to bring the kissing incident up.....

Then they started laughing. "Your kidding right? I mean you can't be...." They saw my face and Kendal said, "Oh my god! Your serious?!"

I just nodded. "Have been since ninth grade. I was introduced to boys by Alex. Alex Mendaz."

"That overly gay kid at our old school?"< Carlos asked.

I nodded and stared at my finger. It still had the promise ring. "I broke it off two months before we auditioned for the band. I was so confused and stressed, but he didn't fight it, he let go."

They all sat in scilence until Katie said "Your still gunna be friends with him, right?" she said.

Carlos quickly said "Of course! Why wouldn't we? James your still our best friend. Even if you like guys." He smiled.

"What about Gustavo?" Kendal asked.

"I don't know." I said.


Gustavo and Kelly were absoulutly shocked. "What?" they said togther.

"I'm serious. I promise. I wanna go public about it."

"NO!" they said togther.

"Yes," I yelled.

"Your the pretty boy, you can't be gay!" Gustavo screamed.

"I can be. This will gives up more publicity, and broaden our audiance if i'm out." I pointed out.

Gustavo contemplated this. "Fine. Well tell Griffen and see what he says about it."

What you see isn't, James DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now