Chapter Thirteen- The drama of a three way(relationship that is!)

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not gunna babble. Just read and comment!

~Hugs and kisses! __________________________________________________________________________________

hapter Thirteen- The drama of a three way(relationship that is!)

~ Logans P.O.V.~

Telling Camille had been really hard. She gave me a sad smile as I broke up with her but she was happy that I had finally gotten through all my sexul confusion. She of course said bye with a slap and a kiss on the cheek.

Kendal,Katie,Logan and MaMa knight were all in hysterics when we told them about the circumstances of our relationship. I don't think I ever have seen anything like the mass eruption of emotions as this. It was actually kinda funny.

~James P.O.V.~

I was glad about our relationship. Even as weird as it was. I had been in love with Alex for ever and that love only grew strognerwhen we added Logan to the mix. Everyone erupted into hysterics about this. Katie was the first to come to her sneses and gave us all a big hug and congratualted us.

I was glad that they accepted us. I mean gay marriage is legal in only so many states. And I don't think three people really can get married to each other. We all wore promise rings. That might be the closest we ever will get to marriage. But love has no bounderess.

~Alexs P.O.V.~

After flying out here from Minisota, telling James I stilled love him and then falling head over heels for another boy. How do I feel? In love and high off of edorphines. I had never experinced such total,undying passion with anyone else. Sure I had had sex with other boys, but NEVER had I felt this much love.

I was glad I had taken a chance and had decided to fly out here as soon as I heard the news he was out. If I didn't. Well. I don't even know what I would have done. And really. I think I'd much rather not know.

What you see isn't, James DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now