Chapter Eleven - Confessions of a homophobe

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  • Dedicated to musicislove2332

Ok. I couldn't help it. I posted. But I want reviews!!!! Pretty pretty please kittens!!! __________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Eleven – Confessions of a homophobe

~Katies P.O.V.~

I stalked into the lobby after James and Alex. I was a stalker but I cared about James to much to see this guy break his heart. They had just walked out the door hand in hand and I ran into a disturbed looking Mr.Bitters. He looked at me and said nothing wich suprised me.

"Bitters? You ok?",I asked slowly.

He shook his head.

"Lets go to your office,ok?". I gently took his arm and led him to his office. He sat down with a huff. "What was all that about?",I asked.

"",he moaned.

Something in my brian clicked. Mr.Bitters didn't really like us all that much but he almost hated James from the begging. I think I know why now."Mr.Bitters are you homophobic?".

"Don't say the word!",he cried.

I paused."You are?".

He nodded just a tiny bit. "I was raised by christian parents and...well you know.....I'm not christian now but I don't think that will ever leave me. I don't want to be one its just been ground into me since I was three that gays were wrong."

"Damn",I said. "I din't know, but Mr.Bitters there is nothing wrong with being gay. And you've known James before he came out so you know him as a person. I can help you over come this if you want.",I offered.

He smiled. Wich is rare."Thank you Katie.".

I nodded and walked back out the door and off to find the newest couple.

~Alex P.O.V.~

We had a great time at the mall. We got mobbed more than once by fans. And alot of them were boys that said thank you for encouraging them to come out and kissed him on the cheek. I smiled. I was so happy to have my hand back in his. We were soul mates I could just tell.

After our adventer in the mall and beach we went back to the palm woods.

We had watched a movie and James had fallen asleep on couch. I decided to head back to my room. But aparently a small twelve year old had other ideas. Katie jumped out at me in zebra print shorts , a purple tank top and a scowl on her face.

"Whats up Katie?". I asked.

"You better take good care of James or I.Will.Hurt.Y-O-U.",She warned.

I laughed."I would never do such a thing,Katie. I love him to much. Good night.".

And I walked out the door.

~Katies P.O.V.~

I can not belive he had the balls to do that. James better hope that his boyfriend still has his if he acts like this. I headed back up to my room and grumpily snuggled into my bed.

What you see isn't, James DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now