Chapter Eight- I anounce it to the world

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Chapter Eight - I anounce it to the world

The press sournded me in the confrence hall, all wonddering why on earth this was called. I had the other guys next to me for support. Finally after they had quited down I took a shaky breath and said into the microphone. "Hi. Your all probly wondering why this was called and all. Well I have finally come to terms with things and I felt the need to tell the worl right away. I am gay."

The room exploded would have been an understatment.

"James! James? How long have you felt this way?' Someone shouted.

"Since I went into High School." I said simply.

"Congratulations on not being closet shy! What do you think this will do to your fan base?"

"I hope that that this will expan our fan base and that some of our fans now won't leave us because of this."

The confrence continued on this way and was then drawn to a close. I was happy, I was out, life couldn't get better. Except.....Alex...

I still hadn't made peace in my heart what I wanted to do with him and Logan.


We lay in my queen size bed, I was content as can be and Alex was singing softly in my ear.

"I love you James.", He whispered.

"I love you Alex."

"Can we just stay like this forever? Never change, never hate, just love?", I asked.

"I wish kitten, I wish.", was the reply


I quickly put the memory to bed and just wanted to enjoy the rest of the day with the guys, some dino chicken nuggets, and mindless video games.


I grogilly slide down the swirly slide to get some breakfast. I was pouring milk on my lucky charms as there was a loud knock on the door. I groaned, set the milk down and set out to answer it. Attempting to fix my hair a bit before and failing I gentley undid the bolt and pulled the door back.

I didn't even see who it was before I found familiar lips on mine and arms around my neck. When he pulled away he whispered "Its been too long kitten."

Tears found my eyes as I whispered "Alex."

What you see isn't, James DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now