Chapter Seven - Great Idea

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YAY! Chapter sevens up I hope you like it. Not my longest but the next to will be really good, I promise! And if your reading this please go and Check out My poems and my other story "The tales of Camille Weir". Thank you Kittens! __________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Seven - Great Idea

"You actually read my mind James. I wanted to 'make' one of you gay but since you actually are this makes everything so much easier." Griffen smiled.

"Awsome. When are we gunna tell the world?" I asked.

"Tomarrow James. I'll have the press confrence scheduled right away. The world must know the truth!."

And with that we were sent home to chill and wait for the confrence to happen. But my troubles weren't over yet. I still had to deal with Logan and then deciding if I still loved Alex or if I wanted to suffer with Logan.

The other guys left to the pool with katie while I sat in at home. I could only just hope that I won't do anything stupid like when I came out to my dad.


I took the razor to my wrist and forcefully dug into my skin. Crimson liguid spilled out of the cut. I took it to my wrist again just as Alex walked in. He slammed the door and yanked the razor out of my hand.

"James! Are you ok?" he franticlly grabbed tissues and pressed them to the cuts.

"My dad hates me." I whimpered.

"Oh, kitten. He does not. And i'm here for you. I love you." Alex smiled.

I looked up at him. "I love you too."

I pressed my lips to his. It started out sweet but became so much more passionate. His hand went up under my shirt and got it off some how. We got his off next. He broke away.

"James are you sure your ready for this?", Alex asked.

I nodded. "I love you."

"Oh kitten, I love you too."


Alex was my lover, he was my first and I couldn't think of going any where near another man. Untill I started rooming with Logan.

What you see isn't, James DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now