Chapter 5

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Natsu eyes slowly opened as he yawned and tried to get up but couldn't because he felt weight on his chest.

"The hell?" Natsu asked and looked down and blushed a storm. "I-lily?" Natsu asked as he saw her laying on him in her night gown sounds asleep.

"Good morning partner, remember you have school today." Ddraig told Natsu who nodded his head.

"Yea ima try to see what Rias wants today." Natsu told the dragon as he moved out of bed and tucked lily back in and got dressed in the uniform and headed to school.

At school

Natsu made his way onto the school ground he saw Kiba and Akeno talking as he walked up they saw him and walked over.

"Excuse me Natsu, we don't mean to get in your way but are president wishes to speak to you about something." Akeno told Natsu who shrugged his shoulders.

"Lead the way, if it gets me out of school for the day." Natsu told them and they lead him to the ORC where they walked in and Natsu saw everyone he saw last night.

"Ahh Natsu, please take a seat." Rias said siting in a chair as Natsu sat down and Rias continued. "I brought you here today to talk to you about what happened last night." Rias told and Natsu sighed.

"Yes I do know your all devils mainly you Rias, but I am not here to join anyones peerage I already have my own." Natsu told them and they looked shocked.

"H-how you don't have the aura of a devil?" Rias asked and Natsu smirked.

"It was a gift from a old friend of mine. Now I'm assuming you called me here today to also ask what power I used to deal with the stray devil?" Natsu asked and Rias nodded her head. "I used a ability of mine that lets me open up pockets in space and time and send them away." Natsu told Rias who was shocked and so was everyone else.

"That's a unique power you have Natsu." Kiba told Natsu who smiled at him.

"You know it man." He said and Kiba smiled.

"I also wanted to ask if your a threat to us?" Rias asked and Natsu shook his head no.

"Nope not at all I wish to bring no harm to anyone without reason." Natsu told them and they nodded.

"It would seems your already making friends." Ddraig told Natsu who didn't respond.

"Last question, would you be willing to join the ORC, I can't make you a devil so I was gonna see if you wanted to make a partner ship?" Rias asked and Natsu nodded his head.

"Yea we can do that, if it also gets me out of class. I can't lie those things make me wanna jump out the window sometimes. So much talking and old crap I didn't need to be told." Natsu said and everyone laughed.

"Your a funny guy." Everyone looked to Koneko and Natsu smiled at her.

"You know it cutie." Natsu said and she blushed, Natsu for some reason felt like he met someone like her. She has a good body and has the aura of a cat. "I wonder if she is related to the stay devil I met a while back?" Natsu asked himself seeing how there body's where similar and face but she has white hair not black.

"I believe there is a similarity." Ddraig told Natsu who nodded his head.

"Well I must be getting back sense I get out of school, if you ever need something text me." Natsu gave Rias a card and she took it and smiled.

"Yes thank you Natsu, have a good day." With that the red dragon emperor walked over. Unknown to them a golden bird was watching them.

"So my love you have made a new friend? Well it won't matter cause I will have you as my wife.......soon."

BOOOM chapter done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD17 OUTTTT

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