Chapter 7

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Natsu Tiamat and lily all appeared inside Natsu's home as he walked over to the couch and jumped on it putting a blanket over his face. "I am tired and wanna get some sleep, you guys can make food or do whatever you want." Natsu told the two as he slowly drifted to sleep.

"So this is the house, you can do whatever you want and Natus is fair and won't treat you wrongly." Lily told Tiamat who nodded her head.

"What is he like? Just as him not the Red dragon Emperor?" Tiamat asked the Lucifer heir who looked over to him sleeping.

"Well I have not spent that much time with him sense I became his queen, but I can tell you that he is a man of honor. He dose not treat me like a slave or just a woman of looks. He cares for my well-being and always makes sure I am taken care of. Overall he is a really nice person." Lily told the dragon queen who looked over to him and smiled.

"I am glad I am tied to a man who is somewhat nice and not cruel." Tiamat said to the devil heir.

"He is a good person in my eyes, but I have only been with him for a short period of time." Lily told the dragon queen as the two talked and ate food and went and took naps themself.

Time skip

Natsu was currently flying in the sky lookig down on the town. He was bored and had nothing else to do with his day. "Jesus this shit is so boring there is nothing to do, no one to fight. Everyone here is weak and can't give me a real fight." Natsu told himself.

"Do not forget your full strength puts you above Sirzechs himself, who is in the top 10 strongest fighter in the world. There are not many people who can give you a real fight." Ddraig spoke up to his host who sighed.

"I guess your right, maybe I should go and try to find the white dragon emperor maybe he is strong?" Natsu asked himself wondering what could come of that meeting up.

"Yes that's is true, but something tells me that are meeting in on the horizon, when I am not sure but it feels close." Ddraig told his host who sensed a lot of devil auras in the ORC.

"Hmmmm I wonder what's going on in there, one of the auras was really strong. "If I had to guess that person had to by ultimate class, maybe a little higher." Natsu told himself as he chose he wanted to go and see what was going on so he flew towards the club room.

Inside the ORC

"Riser for the last time I will not marry you." Rias snapped back as she sat next to a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes. "I don't care what my brother or parents want, my life is mine to give to whoever I want not just for your pleasure." Rias told the man who sighed.

"Rias my dear, we have already been through this, you know this is what's best for the devil race. We need more pure blooded devils to keep are race alive. I am sure you understand this?" Riser asked Rias who just narrowed her eyes.

"I will find a way to do my job to keep my race alive myself, not in the best interest for anyone other then myself." Rias said sharply and Riser was gonna respond until there was a knock on the door.

"Who the hell could that be?" Rias asked herself as Akneo walked over and opened it and Natsu walked into the room. "Natsu?" Rias called out shocked to see the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Yo, what's up Rias? Heard a lot of yelling so I thought I would make sure everything is ok." Natsu said lying as Riser got angry.

"Who are you boy?" Riser demanded to know Natsu's identity as he completed ignored him.

"I am not interrupting something Rias?" Natsu asks the Gremroy heir.

"HEY I AM TALKING TO YOU LOWLIFE." Riser snapped at Natsu who still ignored him.

"No Natsu we are just.....discussing my future." Rias said and Natsu heard the sadness in the end of the sentence.

"I'v had enough of you." Riser summoned some of
his fire as he shot it at Natsu and much to everyone's shock he ate the fire. "What in the hell?"

"Damn bro, your flames taste weird." Natsu said as everyone continued to look in disbelief.

"How the hell did you just eat my flames?" Riser demanded an answer from Natsu.

"Cause I also use fire magic just like you, but mines much stronger than yours." Natsu told Riser smirking.

"You cocky little shit, just who the hell do you think you are? To show up to Riser's meeting which you have no business in." Riser continued to rant on about the meeting.

"Damn bro do you ever shut up? Like ever? You also talk in the 3rd person." Natsu said laughing at Riser. "Heheheheheheh."

"You think your so funny don't you brat?" Riser snapped back and Natsu nodded.

"Yea I am a pretty funny guy, wanna know what else is funny. Your power level, it's like it doesn't even exist." Natsu said laughing making everyone else laugh quietly.

"Riser will kill you himself BOY." Riser shot at Natsu who grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the wall.

"Who the hell do you think you are to attack me? Your nothing but a disgraceful man, a sick little fuck who only see's woman as objects, and you think Rias will marry you, your delusional. I can't blame you though, if I was as stupid as you I would think the same thing." Natsu said shocking everyone he knew about the wedding.

"Excuse me Sir, but I am going to have to ask you to release Riser." Natsu saw a maid with silver hair and eyes and smirked.

"Ahhhh Grayfia, the ultimate queen, wife to Sirzechs Lucifer." Natsu told her much to her shock. "Don't worry I know exactly who you are." Natsu told her as he let Riser go and shoved him away.

"Thank you Sir, now Lord Lucifer figured this would happen, so he has offered up that this be settled by a rating game." Grayfia told the two high class devils.

"Hahahahah, you can't be serious? My dear you have no experience in rating games, I am undefeated." Riser told Rias who didn't back down.

"I don't care what you are, I accept the offer." Rias said and Riser smirked.

"I will allow you 7 days to train, as a handy cap to make this interesting." Riser told Rias as he looked
to Natsu. "I will even allow that boy to be in your group." Riser told Rias who looked to Natsu who nodded.

"Very well, 7 days then." Rias said as Riser teleported away.

"I will go and inform Lord Lucifer of this situation." Grayfia said as she took one final look at Natsu. "This boys aura, it's so familiar but I can't put my finger on it." Grayfia told herself as she teleported away.

"Well you all have 7 days to train, once your done call me. I will go and train in my own style." Natsu told the group as he started to walk out.

"Natsu wait, do you actually think you can help us beat Riser?" Rias asked the Dragon Emperor who looked back.

"Trust me, he won't win this fight." Natsu told Rias as he walked out and summoned his dragon wings and flew home.

Bammmm chapter 7 done, like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTTT

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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