Chapter 6

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Natsu made it home as he walked in and saw Lily on the couch watching anime. When she saw him she smiled at him.

"Hello Natsu, how was your talk with Rias?" Lily asked and Natsu walked into the kitchen and got water.

"It went well, she tried to get me to join her peerage but she can't cause I am already the king of my own." Natsu told Lily who cocked a eyebrow. "I did tell her if she needed help to call me." Lily listen as she watched tv. "Other then that not much was said really. She dose not know who I am so I would like to keep it that way until the times right." Natsu told Lily who nodded her head.

"Hey Natsu we should go to the familiar forest." Lily told Natsu who smiled.

"That's a good way to spend the day." Natsu told her and she was covered in her normal outfit and she walked up to Natsu. "Next stop the familiar forest." Natsu told Lily who nodded her head and they vanished in a magical circle.

The familiar forest

Natsu and Lily appear at the main gate of the familiar forest. Natsu saw all the animals and races running around.

"Quite nice." Ddraig told Natsu who nodded his head.

"Yes it is, I am actually shocked." Natsu told himself as he and Lily walked together threw the forest.

"I wonder what we will find, I have heard some strong creatures live here." Lily told Natsu who nodded his head.

"Hmmm." Natsu was looking at a big cave that had the aura of a dragon. "I wonder what's in there." Natsu asked himself as Lily was looking at a small dragon playing with it.

"Natsu, I think I found my familiar." Lily told Natsu who nodded his head and smiled.

"That's good, make a contact and go wait outside the forest." Natsu told Lily who did as she was told and left.

"I sense a powerful dragon aura Natsu, be careful." The red dragon emperor nodded his head as he walked deeper into the cave and lit his fingertips on fire.

"Ummm hello." Natsu called out but got no response. "Damn that d-."


Natsu was sent flying back into a tree when a blue dragon tail wiped him out of the cave.

"Ahh what the fuck was that." Natsu asked spitting blood to his side.

"DDRAIGGGGGGGG." Natsu stood his ground till Ddraig remember that's voice.

"RUN NATSU RUNNNNNNNNNN." Ddraig yelled and Natsu has to move cause a huge blue female dragon shot out and tried to burn Natsu.

"Ddraig who the hell is this dragon." Natsu asked as Ddraig responded.

"It's Tiamat, The dragon queen." Natsu had heard about this dragon and her power.

"You got some nerve to bring another host to my cave after what you did." Tiamat told Natsu who tried to deescalate the situation.

"Woooo slow down there, what's with all the hate with Ddraig?" Natsu asked and the Dragon tried to hit him with her tail.

"You wouldn't care and won't matter when I kill you." The dragon queen roared as she shot a burst of blue flames at Natsu.

"DRAGON SLAYER SECRET ART: FLAMED LOTUS." Natsu roared as he was covered in a Phoenix made of fire and threw his attack at Tiamat's overpowering here's and sending her flying back.

"That was a nice shot kid, but your gonna have to do better then that

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"That was a nice shot kid, but your gonna have to do better then that." The dragon Roared.

"Let's get serious." Natsu summoned the boosted gear as it glowed.

"WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER." Natsu was covered in his armor as he quickly charged up some power. "BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST." Ddraig's voice roared over as Natsu flew in the air and slammed his fist together and formed a magical circle in front of him.

"WELSH DRAGON: IORN FIRST." Natsu roared as he punched Tiamat in the face sending her flying away as he summoned his Sharingan and used its gray flames to force her into submission.

"You have a powerful host Ddraig, much stronger then your past host." Tiamat told Ddraig as Natsu walked up to her coming out of the sky.

"Now why do you have such a strong rage for Ddraig?" Natsu asked and Tiamat growled.

"H-he promised me baby's." Natsu turned his head then looked at his gauntlet.

"Ok that's cold Ddraig." Natsu told the dragon who sighed.

"I'm sorry Tiamat, but I can no longer give you that sense I am stuck in the booster gear." Ddraig told Tiamat who looked down.

"Why don't you come with me." Natsu offered and the dragon looked shocked.

"I just tried to kill you, why wouldn't you want me dead?" Tiamat asked knowing she can't beat the red dragon emperor.

"Cause I believe in second chances and you had a good reason." Natsu told her and she was covered in a bright blue glow as Natsu waiting till he saw a beautiful busty woman who looked to be in her 20's

" Natsu told her and she was covered in a bright blue glow as Natsu waiting till he saw a beautiful busty woman who looked to be in her 20's

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"Well damn." Natsu told himself as she blushed being stared at. "Tiamat would you be my familiar?" Natsu asked and she nodded her head.

"Y-yes." She has a beautiful voice as Natsu walked up to her and put his marking on her and she smiled. "Now what?" She asked and Natsu smiled.

"Now I get you and Lily home." Natsu told her coming out of his balance breaker.

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