Chapter 3

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Natsu and Lily appeared into Issei house to see it was dark inside. Lily got a look around and couldn't help but nod at how nice his house was.

"You have a beautiful home Natsu." Lily told Issei who smiled at the devil princess.

"Thank you Lily I try to keep the house nice and clean." Natsu explained to Lily who nodded her head and walked around.

"How about some food?" Lily asked with a blush when her stomach growled.

"Sure thing."  Natsu took his shoes off and walked over into the kitchen and started to make food for the 2 of them. After about 45 minutes Natsu came out with a nice stake and mash potatoes and a smoothie.

"Thank you Natsu it looks amazing." Lily told Natsu who smirked.

"Yea I know I am awesome you don't have to tell me twice." Natsu said puffing his chest out. Lily giggle at this and took a bite of the food and went wide eyed.

"It's so good Natsu." Lily yelled, Natsu loved that his guest loved his food. After about 20 minutes they both finished there food and cleaned off there plates and wipes there mouths and where now sitting on a couch watching anime.

"What's your favorite tv show?" Lily asked Natsu who smiled and jumped up.

"DRAGON BALL Z SUPER." Natsu yelled like a child and lily giggled at this.

"Ok there dragon ball lover why don't you sit back down and watch the show with me." Lily asked and Natsu nodded his head and sat back down as they watched the tv show together.

Time skip

Natsu was walking around town when he sense a stray devil near him, smirking he looked to the building.

"Hey Ddraig wanna go hunting?" Natsu asked and the heavenly dragon smiled.

"You know it Natsu." Ddraig told smirking as Natsu sense a battle he stated walking to the building.

At the building

Natsu made it there only to hide because he saw Rias Gremory and Akneo and Kiba and Koneko fighting the stray devil.

"Hmmm devils nice." Natsu told himself as he made his way to the wear house with his hands in his pocket. "Sup." Natsu called out and everyone stoped in there tracks to see Natsu standing there.

"DIE." The stray devil jumped at Natsu and Rias eyes widened in fear.

"NATSU MOVE." She yelled but he didn't, Natsu activated his Sharingan and sent her away into another dimension. Rias and everyone eyes went wide when they saw this happen as they looked at Natsu who eyes where normal again.

"Good to know your all devils see you tomorrow." Natsu waved behind him as he walked off and Rias yelled him name to come back but he vanished in a magical circle.

"Damnit." Rias thought as she wanted to know what the hell she just saw then remember tomorrow is Monday.

"Let's go President, we can talk to him tomorrow." Kiba told Rias who sigh but none the less left with everyone else with one thing on there mind, what was Issei?

Bamm that's a wrap comment like share and as I always say until next time ALEX_UZI14 OUTTT

Next chapter the talk and the challenge.

High school dxd: The Sharingan Dragon EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now