S1 Ep.2 Loo Loo Land

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(No one's POV)

"Mommy, Daddy!" Octavia yelled frightened. "Via's calling us, Stella," Stolas said as he just woke up, Stella groaned, "you get up," she said as she went back to sleep. Stolas put on some clothes and walked to her daughter's room.

"Via, what troubles you my little owlette?" Asked Stolas as he opened the room to his daughter. Octavia got out from under her covers and ran to her dad. "Daddy, Daddy" cried, Octavia as Stola git down to pick up her daughter. "I had a dream, a really bad dream!" Octavia said as Stolas moved his head away to yawn. "A nightmare, I was looking all over the palace, and..." Octavia said as she had a bit of tear in her eyes.

"I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!" Octavia said as she hugged her dad. "There there, Via, it's okay, your okay" Stolas said as he made his book fly to him. He sat on Octavia's bed. "When you're scared, and you don't know where I am, you must remember, no matter what happens to me, I will never be far away from my special little Starfire" Stolas said.

Song again...

Lyrics, I think:

It always seems more quiet, in the dark, it always feels so stuck/stark, how silence grows under the moon constellations gone so soon, I used to think that I was bold, I used to think love would be fun, now all my stories have been told, except for one, as the stars start to Aline, I hope you take it as a sign, that you will be okay, everything will be okay, and if the seven rings collapse, although the day could be my last, you will be okay, when I'm gone you'll be okay, and when creation goes to die, you can find me in the sky, upon the last day! And you will be okay


Octavia was sleeping as she woke up to her parents fighting. "I can't believe you slept with an Imp! In our fucking bed!" Yelled Estelle as she was throwing stuff. "It wasn't expected, I didn't have time to go to a motel!" Yelled Stolas. Octavia groaned as she put on her headphones and played music as she made the volume loud.

"A motel?! Like a fucking plebeian!" Octavia started to walk out of her room and dodged something that her mother threw. Octavia made it to the kitchen to grab a drink. "You want to fuck this one too?!" Yelled Estelle as she threw a demon to Stolas but he moved out of the way. "No, of course not!" Said Stolas as he was a bit scared. "You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic imp-sucking face!" Yelled Estelle as she walked out of the kitchen.

Stolas sighed as he saw Octavia sit down at the dinner table. "Good Morning Octavia! Did you sleep well my owlette?!" Said Stolas as he looked at Octavia. "A serious question" Octavia said. "Hmh..." said Stolas as he walked to the fridge. "What's that you're listening to?" Asked Stolas as he opened the fridge.

"This song is called 'my world is burning down around me' it's by fuck you dad, it's a band," Octavia said as Stolas pulled out a piece of meat. "Oh, how charming," Stolas said as he threw the meat to the plant and the plant ate it.

"So you two done screaming for the day?" Asked Octavia in a series tone. "Um..." Stolas said as Estelle through something as she yelled. "You know what I haven't done in a long long time?! I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of hell! Why don't we go to Loo Loo land!" Stolas said as he wrapped his arm around Octavia.

"I'm not five anymore" Octavia replied. "You were always so happy when I took you to Loo Loo land! What do you say we go there again? Have a day, just the two of us?" Asked Stolas. "I'd rather kill myself," Octavia said. "There we go! Anything but staying in this house, now I'll arrange our security," Stolas said as he walked to the phone.

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