S 2 Ep.3 Ex's and Oh's

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Let me know if there are any mistakes, and sorry if I spell anything wrong! Just let me know! Enjoy! And I am so sorry about the long ass wait!

You and Moxxie were sitting beside each other as Loona was across the both of you two on her phone.

"You know, I checked the scale today and it said I lost two pounds this week." moxxie mentioned as Loona looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"You're not fat Mox," you told Moxxie as he sighed, "well she says I am!" Moxxie said pointing at Loona while looking at you, "I. am not. FAT!" Moxxie yelled at Loona.

Out of nowhere, Millie kicked the door open while holding her coffee as she stomped into the room.

"Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!"

Millie mumbled under her breath as she threw her mug in front of Loona on the table. She stomped away pressing a red button causing a cardboard human cutout to appear as she threw a knife at it and lunged herself towards it, attacking it.

You and Moxxie look at each other disturbed.

"Millie...honey...everything okay?" Moxxie asked. "Yeah, I'm worried Mills, you're a little aggressive" you said as Millie turned her head around and hissed but managed to calm down.

"Yeah. Just...bumped into an ex" Millie said as her tail twitched.

"Oh! Oh..." Moxxie replied.

"That sucks, been there before" Your eye twitched for a second. "Must've been awkward huh?"

"You've had a boyfriend before?!" Moxxie looked at you, "you never told me anything!" He yelled. "Well, I wasn't with you so beat it!" You hissed back as you looked at Millie, "Continue your story, Mills"

"Thanks, Y/N, but as I was saying, I bumped into an ex, he just kept going on about how he has money now, "a bright future," and "a bigger cock""

You and Moxxie walked up to her, "Wait what?" Moxxie asked.

"Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to-" Millie said as she punched a filing cabinet. It fell to the ground.

Blitzø walked in, "What the fuck is all this noise? I got a client!" He said as he was on the phone.

"Sorry, sir. I'll get this all cleaned-" Moxxie said as he was cleaning and picked up a picture of two imps making out in horse suits, "-what is this?" Moxxie asked as you peeked.

"Uh, research! For science! Just put it back correctly, okay? Alphabetize them" Blitzø replied as he took the picture and threw it on the ground.

"Damn Blitzø, didn't know you were into that kind of stuff" you laughed as he smacked you behind the head, "shut up! I'm on the phone, Y/N," he said sarcastically as he left the room, back into his office.

(With Blitzø)

"Okay, so let me get this straight: you don't want us going to Earth at all for this job?"

"Correct. That will not be necessary. I'd like to meet you and your whole crew in my estate" the man on the phone replied.

"Uh, you want us killing someone in Hell? 'Cause I got to tell ya, that ain't exactly our business no more" Blitzø replied to the man.

"I'll tell ya all about it when you get here. It's regarding a business venture I'm sure will be very worth your time"

"Ooh, how ominous," Blitzø chucked. "Fine, whatever, what's the address?" He asked.

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