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"You guys excited for the field trip tomorrow?" Asks Percy as he walks into study hall.

"Oh, so excited. Can't wait to learn more about Greek Mythology!" I answer sarcastically.

"Hey, you never know, this stuff might be useful one day." Grover adds.

Percy and I roll our eyes.

Percy and Grover are my best friends. I had to switch schools a couple of months ago. I met Grover on the way to school one day. He bumped into me and asked me if I needed help around the school. He introduced me to Percy and here we are.

"So, did either of you two understand the chem homework?" I ask.

"No." They both say in unison.

"Great!" I say with added sarcasm, again.

"Shhh!" Says the teacher.

We both exchange looks at each other and try to contain our laugh.

About ten minutes go by and I finally finish my chem homework. I get bored and pass a note to Percy.

Do you think that Mrs. Jameson(study hall teacher) is actually doing work over there or is just trying to look busy?

He reads my note and lets out a cute little laugh. Yes, I said cute. I have had a small crush on Percy ever since I met him. He has always been there for me.

Definitely trying to look busy. Grover and I were thinking about grabbing a bite after school, wanna come?

You know I would love to, but the foster home is so strict about me coming back right after school.

I have lived in a foster home for as long as I can remember. My mother dropped me off at a hospital when I was a couple weeks old. They let me go to school and hang out with friends, but, recently, they have been more strict since I'm getting older.

Just make something up. I only get to see you at school these days.

I can feel myself blush a little after reading that last sentence.

I'll try, ocean eyes. ;)

Thats my nickname for him. Partly because his eyes are the most gorgeous color of sea-green and he is like part fish. He can hold his breath for like 5 minutes. 

He looks up at me and winks. Then the bell rings and it is off to my last class, algebra. I can't really put into words my hate for that class and the teacher.

"I'm going this way, but maybe I'll see you after school." Says Percy, while Grover rolls his eyes.

"Maybe." I say while smiling.


Algebra goes by surprisingly fast and now all I can think about is food. There is no way I am missing out on getting something to eat besides the crap they serve at the foster home.

"I can go!" I say to Percy and Grover while basically jumping up and down with my arms in the air.

"Great! Now I get to hear you guys flirt outside of school, too." Says Grover sarcastically.

Percy and I exchange confused looks.

"Don't know what your talking about dude." Says Percy. "Yeah, you sure your okay, like, mentally?" I ask.

"Whatever, stay oblivious for all I care. So, Perc, hows everything at home?" Asks Grover.

Percy looks down at his shoes for a bit.

"It okay. I just can't believe my mom puts up with that jerk. I'll never understand why."

"Maybe one day you'll understand." Says Grover reassuringly.

"Enough about that piece of shit," I say, "How about that substitute teacher today. What was her name again?"

"Mrs. Dodds? She is creepy." Says Percy.

"She is like weirdly obsessed with you two. She kept glaring at you guys." Says Grover.

"Really? I didn't even notice," Says Percy, "I don't pay attention to anything in that class."

"Shocker." I say giggling and Percy gives me a friendly shove.

We all walk into the diner and order a basket of fries to share. We spend most of the time joking around and making fun of the teachers at school. When all of a sudden, I get a text.

Ms. Stella, you should be arriving back now. It is getting late.

I let out a sigh while reading the text.

"Whats wrong?" Asks Percy.

"Sister Maria wants me back now. Says its getting too late." I say rolling my eyes.

"Its not even 5 yet." Says Grover.

"Whatever. Well, this was fun while it lasted. I probably won't be able to go out like this anymore though."

"Hey," Says Percy as he grabs my arm, "We'll just bust you out."

I laugh. This is why I admire him. Even in the worst of situations, he manages to make me smile. He is the cutest dork I've ever met. Okay, Stella, stop thinking about Percy; just leave now.

"I should be going." I say as I wave goodbye.

Percy comes up to me and gives me a hug. While I can see Grover's face in disgust.

"Sorry, but you ain't getting one of those from me." Grover says sarcastically.

"Aw, I'm heartbroken," I saw with a frown and place a hand on my heart, "Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow; can't wait for the field trip." I say as I wink at both of them.

They both wave and then sit back down. I really do wish I could spend more time with them, but since I'm 16 and no one has adopted me, the foster home  keeps saying I need to focus on school so I can go to a good college for free. I honestly don't even want to go to college. Whats the point? I want adventure and fun. But, sadly, thats an unrealistic goal in life.

I walk into the home and wave to sister Maria as she stops me.

"You have been gone so long! I didn't know chess club stayed out this late." She says with a look of worry on her face.

"Chess club? Oh, right. Well, you know, I just had this tournament go on forever." I avoid saying anything about chess because I literally don't know shit about it.

"Maybe we could play sometime." She says with a warm smile.

I nod and walk up to my room. Sister Maria is very kind and thoughtful, but her expectations for me need a little work. The other sisters, though, they know that I am a lost cause and I agree. I have been here since I was a couple weeks old. No one adopted me. I do good in school, but not good enough. And, on top of all of that, they think I am severely depressed because I don't socialize with the small children here. No one else here is even close to my age. I am not spending my whole day babysitting.

It is only like 6 right now, so I decide to start on some homework since dinner will be ready soon.

—3 hours later—

Dinner is finally over and I decide to sleep. School tomorrow is gonna be very eventful. I just can't contain my excitement for the field trip. I'm kidding.

This is the first book I have ever written on here. Its based off the movies, though, age wise and character wise. Sorry! I just couldn't find a way to fit in everyone. Lmk what you think. Feedback is appreciated!