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"Whats happened?" Asked Luke as we approach the crowd of people.

They all just look at us, then at Percy. Percy looks angry, relieved, and terrified at the same time.

"He...he has my mom. Shes still alive." He says.
At first, I look at him in disbelief, but then I look at everyone else's faces.

I look at him with a sorry expression on my face. I should've believed him before.

"Who has your mom?" I ask him.

"Your father. Hades." As he says this, I go into shock.

The way he said 'your father' was like he was blaming me. Like I did this to him. I didn't say anything. Percy needs me to be there for him.

"Okay, we have to get her back then. What all did he say?" I ask.

He looks at me and gives me a slight smile.

"No, you will not." Says Chiron. "Percy, I am deeply sorry about your mother, but, please, let the others handle this. You aren't ready."

"He has my mom! He said he will give me her if I give him the bolt!" Answers Percy.

"The bolt? He thinks you have it?" I ask.

He nods.

"Chiron, Percy won't go after it, I'll make sure." I lie.

Percy looks at me like he's about to say something, but I stop him by giving him a glare.

"Thank you, Stella. Now, everyone to your cabin." Orders Chiron.

The camp disperses to go to bed.

"Pssst. Percy!" I say walking towards him.

"What? Why did you say that to Chiron?" He asks.

"We are going to get your mom back, tonight. We don't have the bolt, but we can try to find it." I say.

He looks relieved and pulls me into a hug.

"I missed you." He says, "I'm sorry for being a total jerk to you. I was just so mad about my mom and pushed you away."

"Don't apologize, even though you were kind of a total jerk, I still should've believed you." I say as we pull apart from each other.

"I want in." We hear a voice from behind us.

"Annabeth? In on what?" I ask acting clueless.

"Don't play dumb. I've always wanted to go on a quest, and you two have no idea how to even get to the underworld."

"Do you?" We both ask.

"No, but I know someone who might."

Percy informs us that we have to talk Grover into this, which was fun. He kept saying no, but Percy pulled the 'we need to get my mom back' and it totally worked.

After that, we followed Annabeth to find out how we get to the Underworld. On our way, I think about what happened before the explosion. Luke and I kissed. And we didn't talk about it. And I'm going on a quest to the Underworld. This day is crazy, and so was yesterday, so I guess I should get used to my crazy new life.

"We have arrived." Says Annabeth.

"Luke?" I ask.

"Stella! Hey, guys." He pauses, "Welcome to the modern world." He says pointing to a bunch of x box's.

This was familiar to Percy and I, but Grover and Annabeth looked a little lost.

"Luke, we need your help with something." Says Percy.

"Sure." He replies.

"Your father is the messenger of the gods, he has been in and out of the underworld hundreds of times. Do you have any idea how?" Asks Annabeth.

"No, my dads a jerk, never really got to ask him." He pauses and looks at me. "Guess we all got daddy issues huh?"

I look at him concerned. He never talked to me about this. I just realized that I don't know much about him. I always confide in Luke, but he doesn't do the same.

"But, I once broke into my dads house. Got a bunch of cool stuff." Says Luke as he grabs a box from the shelf behind us.

He hands it to Percy and he opens it.

"Woah. Flying shoes?" Says Percy.

"He has hundreds of these little guys. Won't even miss them." He says as he grabs the shoe that is trying to fly away. "There is also a map in there. Its said that Hades' wife was kidnapped by him and forced to marry him. She outsmarted him though by using pearls to bring other men to the underworld. All you have to do is step on the pearls, and thats your ticket out of the underworld."

"Out?" I ask. "We asked how to get in?"

"Getting in is the easy part. Getting out is difficult, this map will help you with that." He says.

"Thanks, man." Says Grover.

"Yeah, thanks." Says Percy.

"Thats not all." He grabs a small little thing, and does something to it to turn it into a shield.

He hands it to Annabeth.

"Your giving this to me?" She asks.

"Your gonna need it. Good luck, guys." He says as he sits back down.

"You don't wanna come?" I ask standing in front of his tv.

"Nah. I'm just gonna stay here and let you guys do your thing." He answers.

That didn't sound like Luke at all. I feel like he would be jumping up and down to go on this quest. He just sat there and waved us goodbye.

"Well, thanks, Luke." Says Percy and they all start to leave. "Stella, you coming?" Asks Percy.

"One sec." They all nod and leave Luke and I alone.

Luke looks up at me.

"What is it?"

"Well, I just thought we should talk. I mean, I am leaving to go to the Underworld, which doesn't sound as scary as it seems. But, we-." I pause for a while thinking about how to say this.

"We kissed?" Says Luke, finishing my sentence.

"Yeah, we did."

"I know." He said smiling. "So, whats there to talk about?" He asked.

I honestly didn't know what to say. I like Luke a lot, but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

"Why don't you wanna go on the quest?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Just not my thing. You'll have fun, though."

"Luke, is it possible that Hades' wife could be my mom?"

"Not sure. You can ask him." He says so blandly.

He didn't even make eye contact with me. He would usually comfort me and give me advice. Maybe I'm just expecting too much from him.

"Right. Thanks, a lot." I say as I storm out.

I didn't even say goodbye, neither did he.

Its like the past 3 days haven't happened. Like I don't even know him. Something must've happened. Maybe I did something wrong.

I just slap a smile on my face and approach Percy. I need to be there for him right now and push my problems aside.

"You guys ready?" I ask.

"Yeah, we are gonna catch a bus." Says Grover.

I nod. Then, I start to have this horrible, sharp pain occur in my head. I have this ringing in my ears and I start to scream.

The pain is so unbearable. Percy comes to my aid and holds me as I start to collapse onto the ground.

"Percy, whats happening?" I ask, then it all goes black.