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I think about the Hollywood sign and seconds later, I appear in front of it. I don't see Percy, Annabeth, or Grover. Just a sign that signs 'In Here' by the letter H. I go in to find greek symbols. I touch them and then an entrance appears.

"Here goes nothing." I say under my breath.

I walk in and see Percy and the others.

"Hey." Says Percy as he pulls me into a hug sounding relieved.

I don't hug him back. Even though I wanted to, I can't forget what he did to me before. All my feelings about what he did just came to the surface and are amplified. I can't help but feel anger towards all of them.

Annabeth and Grover also give me a hug. I hold back my feelings and try to focus.

"You guys look like you've been through a lot." I say.

"Explain later." Says Annabeth smiling.

I notice a man standing there and looking at me curiously.

"So," I say as I pull them into a huddle, "What exactly do I need to do?"

"Just tell him who you are and see what happens." Says Percy unsure.


"I'm Stella, daughter of Hades. I would like to enter the Underworld." I say confidently to the man that looks, and smells, like death.

"If only I could take your word for it, but there is another way to prove who you are." He says with a grimace.

"That is?" I question.

"To see if you can posses the dark mark. The child of Hades should be able to, but, personally, I have never tested it." He says.

I look back at Percy and the others with a terrified look on my face.

"Just do it." I say selflessly.

"Wait!" Says Percy. "What does the dark mark do?"

"It brings death." Says the deathly man as a skull appears on my arm.

I let out a gasp of pain. Even though its just on my arm, it causes my whole body to ache. Eventually, the mark goes away along with the pain.

"Very well, then." Says the man surprised, "You may enter and bring these people." He says as a boat approaches.

We all get on. I stay silent not really wanting to talk to any of them.

"Stella?" Asks Percy. "Hows your head?"

He has the nerve to ask that.

"Oh, its great." I say sarcastically.

"Thats good. We were so worried." He replies, this makes me lose it.

"I couldn't tell by how you left me outside the camp barrier unconscious." I snap.

They all look at each other confused.

"Stella, Luke said he would bring you to the infirmary. We wouldn't just leave you." Says Annabeth.

I don't know who to believe. I have felt so distant with the others and, because of that, I became so close with Luke.

"Luke wouldn't lie." I say looking away.

"Stella, we would never leave you." Says Percy grabbing my hand.

I stare at him. Damn those sea green eyes.

"How could you ever think that?" Asks Grover.

"Could you blame me? You guys have all been treating me like some disease ever since you found out about my father. And, Percy, you have barely even spoken to me since we arrived at camp." I say.