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Everything was foggy. My eyes adjusted to being opened after what seemed like years of sleep.

I see a cloudy figure that I can only assume to be Luke.

"Morning, Sunshine." He greets me with a smile.

"Luke? What happened? Why I am in the infirmary?"

"Stella," He sighs, "when you and the others were getting ready to leave, you passed out. It could be from you hitting your head the other day, but we aren't sure." Says Luke while putting his hand on mine.

"Where are they?" I ask, wondering why Percy, Annabeth, and Grover aren't by my side in the infirmary.

"They left." He says while looking down at his shoes.

I repeat his words out loud to make sure that it makes sense. I understand that Percy needs to save his mom, but that didn't take away the pain. My friends just left me there. Luke explained that he followed us out to make sure everything was okay and saw me fall to the ground. He said that Percy told the others to leave and that they couldn't wait. He said that Percy just left me lying there, all alone.

"Oh." I manage to say.

"I'm sorry." He pauses, "How about we take your mind off of all of this. You have had a hard enough time as it is. Follow me." He says as he offers me his hand. This time I take it.

Narrators' POV from the night before:

Stella began to feel this unbearable pressure in her brain, her legs began to weaken, and she let out a cry of pain.

"Percy, whats happening to me?" She says to Percy who holds her in his arms.

She passes out.

"Get help! Go!" He yells to Annabeth who begins to run to the camp.

"Wait! I'll take her. You guys need to go!" Says Luke approaching from the shadows.

"No, we can't just leave her." Says Annabeth.

"You won't be. I will take care of her." He says reassuring the whole group.

"Okay. Thank you, Luke." Says Percy picking Stella's unconscious body up and handing her to Luke.

He can't even bear the thought of leaving her, but he trusts Luke to take care of her.

He could've never thought that making this small mistake, would result in chaos amongst their relationship.

Back to Stella's POV

As Luke and I are walking, he continues to apologize for being a jerk to me last night. He said that he didn't mean to make me think he didn't care, but he just didn't know how he felt.

"So, how do you feel?" I ask him.

"About...what?" He answers my question with a question.

"About us, about the kiss, and about...this." I say as I hold up our hands that are still connected.

"I feel...alive when I'm with you. I have never felt anything like this. Its different."

"Good different or bad different?" I ask.

"Definitely bad." He says sarcastically.

"Hey! We were just having a good conversation. You totally ruined it!" I say shoving him.

He looks at me with his gorgeous blue eyes and smiles. We continue to gaze into each others eyes for a moment longer, until he breaks his gaze.

"How about a little swim?" He says, gesturing towards the lake.