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Ugh. I shut off my alarm and get ready for school. Today is the day Mr. Brunner and Ms. Dodds takes us on a field trip to learn about greek mythology. I'm not exactly so excited to go, but at least I have an excuse to not come to the foster home right after school.

"Are you ready? Bus is here." Says one of the sisters as she peaks her head in.

"Yup." I say as I grab my backpack and head downstairs.

I grab an apple and get onto the bus. I can't help myself from thinking about Percy. He probably doesn't feel the same way, I mean he always refers to me as his best friend. But, he just has the most beautiful eyes and he is the only one, besides Grover, at our school who isn't a complete jerk. Okay, stop thinking about Percy. He is just your friend. I give myself a mental slap.

The bus arrives at school and I catch up to Percy and Grover.

"Hey guys!" I scream to get their attention.

"Hey, you reader for the field trip of our lives?" Says Percy with a dorky smile.

"Oh yeah. Can't even contain my excitement!" I say sarcastically.

"At least pay attention, guys. This could really come in handy." Grover adds.

"Only if I want to spend the rest of my life focused on the Greek gods and goddesses. It just isn't that interesting." I say while gesturing my hands a lot.

"Whatever." Grover says as Percy and I let out a laugh.

"Students, are you ready to leave?" Asks Mr. Brunner.

"Yes." We all say in unison.

"Get on the bus then." He says.

We all find our seats on the bus. I can't find any open seats and Percy and Grover decided to sit together. So I am forced to sit next to Ms. Dodds. I turn around to see Percy and Grover laughing at me and I give them a glare.

"Hey, Ms. Dodds." I say with an awkward smile.

She just turns to look at me, then back at the window.

The museum is barely a half hour away, so this won't be too bad. While I am sitting down, we drive past the hospital my mother dropped me at. I'm not one to cry and get in touch with my feelings, but a rush of sadness just came over me. I never understood why she just abandoned me. I probably never will. But, what do I have to complain about. I have a roof over my head and food and friends. My life is completely okay.

Finally, we arrive at the museum and I get to go talk to my friends and not sit awkwardly next to Ms. Dodds.

"How was it? Did she stare into your soul?" Asks Percy.

"She didn't even make eye contact with me. She just looked at the window and occasionally asked me to move over."

"Sounds fun." Adds Grover.

"Not exactly." I say as we run up the steps and into the museum.


Some time goes by of us looking at statues and learning about the history of the gods. Then, all of a sudden, Ms. Dodds approaches Percy and I.

"Ms. Stella, Mr. Jackson, may I have a word?" She asks.

"Sure." Says Percy and I as we exchange confused looks.

"What did we do?" I whisper to Percy.

He just shrugs.

We walk into what looks like a library and Ms. Dodds asks Percy and I to shut the doors. We turn back around to see her nowhere in sight.

"Uhh, Ms. Dodds?" Percy says looking at me confused.

All of a sudden, we see this bird like creature with her face on top of a book shelf. Percy begins to panic, while I am frozen, unable to comprehend what the hell I am looking at.

"Get down!" Screams Percy as he tackles me onto the ground, avoiding the flying, whatever that thing is.

"Percy, what is that?" I ask frightened.

"Where is the bolt?" She asks.

"The what?" We both say in unison.

"Don't act dumb, you fools!" She says as she begins to fly towards us again.

Then we hear a familiar voice behind us yell.

"Percy! Stella!" Screams Grover.

"Release them!" Yells Mr. Brunner? "Or I swear I will tear you to pieces!"

"What the actual," I begin to say as Mr. Brunner cuts me off, "Calm down, please."

"Calm down! What was that thing?" Says Percy.

"A fury." Answers Mr. Brunner.

"A- a fury?" I say out of breath.

"A fury? Whats a fury? And why did you say you could tear her to pieces?" Asks Percy gesturing towards his wheel chair.

"What did she want from you two?" Asks Mr. Brunner, completely avoiding our questions.

"I- she was asking where a bolt was. I don't understand. I have to be going crazy." I say as I start to hyperventilate.

"Calm down. Hey, Stella." Percy says as he pulls me into a hug.

I immediately feel some sense of okay-ness. But, my mind is full of questions.

"We need to go. Now!" Says Grover.

"Right, okay. Grover take them to Percy's. Explain to his mom what happened." Says Mr. Brunner.

"Lets go." Says Grover as he starts running out of the museum.

Percy and I just start to follow him without question. We start to run towards Percy's apartment.

"Why are we here?" Asks Percy.

"Just come in. Your mom will explain."

"My mom? What does she have to do with this?" Says Percy as he opens the door.

"Percy? Grover, Stella? Aren't you guys supposed to be on a field trip?"

Grover whispers something in her ear as I look over at Percy's mom's boyfriend. He truly is disgusting. He looks at me and smirks. I can't even contain my disgust.

Percy's mom takes us into another room and explains everything to us. How we are the children of gods and humans. Half bloods. How we are being hunted by these monsters and have to go to this camp. Camp Half Blood. How Zeus' lightning bolt was stolen?

"No offense, Ms. Jackson, but you sound crazy. I mean, this is all just crazy!" I say.

"I understand that it sounds a little whack." She answers.

"A little? Mom, be honest, is this a prank?"

"No! Of course not! But, listen, we have to leave now. You guys aren't safe here. These monsters are hunting you."

"Lets go." Says Grover.

We all start to go to their car, but Ms. Jackson's boyfriend stops us.

"Where do you guys think your going?"

"Away. Goodbye." Says Ms. Jackson.

"No, I don't think so. I'm fine with this little shit leaving, but you, your staying here with me." He says as he grabs her hips.

"Get off of her." Says Percy.

"What did you say to me boy?" The man starts to approach Percy as if he is going to hurt him, so I act out of complete instinct.

I kick him in the balls and punch him in the face. He falls to the ground and cries in pain.

"Oh my goodness!" Says Percy's mom.

"Wow!" Says Percy and Grover in unison.

"Lets get going." I say trying to hide my pride. I mean I did just make a man cry. I'll admit, it does bring me joy.

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