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A couple of hours go by. I train and talk to some other campers awaiting nightfall. I still haven't seen Luke and I am beginning to worry. I was hoping he would go on the quest with me or atleast say goodbye.

I try not to think about it though, or anything else thats bothering me. Like the fact that the people I thought were my friends left me unconscious on the ground, outside of the camp's barrier. But, I'm not doing this for them, I'm doing it for the camp, for Luke. I found a home here and I don't want the war between the gods to take that away from me. I know it sounds selfish, but I have just felt so alone my entire life and I can't screw this up.

I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts and focus on the task at hand. It is about time to steal the teleportation thingy from Chiron's office. I go to my cabin and pack a bag full of things I might need. Like some clothes, food, and a sword. You know, the essentials.

I make my way into Chiron's office and manage to successfully sneak in. It is completely dark, but that has never bothered me. I look around for the device, then notice it glowing from one of the drawers. I grab it when, all of a sudden, I hear the wood creak behind me.

I turn around with my sword in hand.

"Woah! Put that thing down." Says Luke appearing from the shadows.

"Gods! Luke! How long were you standing there?"

"I saw you walk into his office all stealth-like. Just came in." He pauses and looks me up and down.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, its just-." He makes his way over to Chiron's desk. "Hmm, looks like Chiron is into music." He says smirking while gesturing towards the stereo on his desk.

I notice how he changes the subject and I just go with it. I haven't seen him since this morning.

"So?" I ask him trying not to laugh.

He turns on the stereo and offers me his hand.

"Care for a dance, milady?" He says.

I laugh and take his hand. He twirls me around and chuckles.

We can't stop laughing, but try to keep quiet about the fact that Chiron could hear us.

"Not bad, Castellan." I say when he pulls me into his chest and I rest my head on him. The music gets slower as I do this.

We remain in this state with no noise, no laughter. Just us, in an office, with a really old song playing. Then he starts to mumble about something.

"So, where were you planning on going?" He asks.

"Right," I say as I pull away, realizing the task at hand, "I need to get to them now!" I panic and grab all my stuff and reach for the device.

Luke grabs its first.

"Your going with them to the Underworld, aren't you?"

"Wanna come?" I ask slightly confused by his sadness.

"No, and you shouldn't go."

"They need me. Why shouldn't I-,"

"They need you?" He says interrupting me, "Didn't you need them when your were lying unconscious on the ground?" He says, with a calm voice.

"Luke- I-," He interrupts me again.

"Stella, this camp, these people, they are all willing to risk everything for the chance to be noticed by a god. They worship them, and the gods? They don't even bother to say hello to their children." He says while waving his arms up and down.

I stay silent for a moment. I know Luke is still mad about what his dad did to him. I know what its like to be abandoned, but I have never let it get to me like he has. I can see where he is coming from, though. No one has even met the gods and we all do whatever they say, but, still, a war is never good, especially between gods.

"This is bigger than that, Luke. This is about the war that could destroy the gods and the camp. I need to help Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, I care about them, even though they may not care that much about me." I say while looking down.

"I understand. Your fierce, Stella. And strong, don't forget that." He says as he hands me the device.

I start to get ready to leave, when I look at Luke. I like Luke, a lot. And, I could possibly die while doing this, so why the hell not?

I walk over to him and cup his face with my hands, and pull him into a kiss. He kisses me back and grabs my waist.

"I'll miss you, Castellan." I say while pulling away, realizing that I've wasted enough time as it is.

"I'll miss you more. And, Stella?" He says as I pull out the device.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Don't forget about this...us." He catches me off guard while saying this. How could I ever forget the way I feel about him?

"Nothing could change the way I feel about you, Luke. I'll never forget you." I say as I activate the device and disappear from Chiron's office.

"I count on it." I hear Luke whisper as I leave.

What do you guys think about this chapter? I have been having serious writer's block, hopefully it doesn't show even though it probably does. Anyways, please like, share, and comment!