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I walk out of the room and Hades follows behind. I try my best to put on a brave face, but on the inside, I feel like I'm falling apart.

"Back to business then." Says Hades.

"Yeah, give me my mother back." Percy demands.

"Oh right." He says as Percy's mother appears.

"Percy!" She says as she hugs him.

"Now, give me the bolt." Says Hades.

"We thought you had it." Says Grover confused.

"Don't play dumb with me! If you really don't possess the bolt, then you wouldn't mind if I looked through your belongings." He suggests.

"Look through them. We have nothing to hide." Says Percy as he throws his stuff on the ground.

As Hade looks through them, he becomes particularly interested in the shield Luke gave us. He throws the shield onto the ground, revealing the bolt inside it.

I look at Percy shocked and he does the same.

"Ahh!" Exclaims Hades, "You thought you could keep this from me!"

"I swear that wasn't there before!" Says Percy.

"It was Luke! He put the bolt in the shield and used us!" Says Annabeth angrily.

"No he wouldn't do that." I say quietly, but no one hears me.

I can't really describe what was happening to me in those few moments. My dad saying he wants nothing to do with me along with Luke betraying us. Its just too much.

Hades holds the bolt in his hands and Persephone kisses him out of excitement. I groan in disgust.

Out of nowhere, Persephone steals the bolt from him and blasts him with it.

"Doesn't feel too good, huh?" She says.

"Why would you do that?" Asks Percy.

"Really? I hate this man, and you should, too, darling." She says while looking at me.

"Give us the bolt." I say, trying my best not to think about my personal problems.

"I don't want anything to do with it." She says as she offers it to me, but Percy takes it.

"I got it." He says.

He really doesn't trust me with it.

"Whatever." I say. "Lets get out of here."

"Right, the pearls." He says as Annabeth pulls out three.

The realization hits me. Looks like Grover realized the same, too, by the expression on his face.

"Uhh, Perc. Theres only enough for three. And seeing as Stella can get out of here on her own, one of us has to stay." He says.

"No! No, you probably have more." He says looking at Persephone.

"Not here." She says, "Sorry."

"I'll stay." Says Percy's mom.

"No, I will." Says Grover, "I'm meant to protect you. I will stay here."

"No, no. This isn't fair." Says Percy.

"Grover, you can't." Says Annabeth.

"No, you guys need to go." He says.

"Don't worry, I'll keep him company." Says Persephone like thats supposed to reassure us.

We all say our goodbyes to Grover. I have tears in my eyes and give him a huge hug.

"I'll visit you." I say.

"No, you won't. I don't want you coming down here." He says as he pushes hair out of my face.

I hug him again and start to leave with the rest.

Percy, Annabeth, and Ms. Jackson all step on their pearls and vanish. Grover told us to go to the Empire State Building. I think of the building and immediately am teleported there.

I reunite with them.

"We did it. Now all we have to do is give this back to Zeus." I say as I point towards the bolt.

I am trying to keep up the strong exterior still. I will deal with my feelings when all this is over, but its hard not to think about them.

Percy gives me a look that basically is asking if I'm okay. I give him one back that says 'no but I will be'.

"You guys weren't supposed to make it out alive." I hear a familiar voice call from behind us.

I turn around to see him. The guy that I very much like. The guy that is my home. The guy I kissed hours ago.

"I'm the lightning thief." Says Luke.

Sorry for the short chapter. But, OMG! I know we all saw it coming cause most of you guys read the book and/or watched the movies, but it still gets me every time. Anyways, I wish I could reply to the comments, but my email has been hacked so Watt-pad won't let me:(( But, I love you all and thank you for reading!