Bernie's Discovery

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"Podcast number #256 alright, this is the big day, this might be the very last Titan Truth Podcast, I know i said that before, but after two years being employed, i'm officially about to expose Apex's lies! Wish me luck!"

Bernie Hayes, a Titan Conspiracy theorist and whistleblower, got out of his car and made his way into the Apex Cybernetics labs. As he walked in he saw a message on a monitor.

Clark: *on the monitor* Since we started Apex, our world has changed for the better, robotics and scientific discoveries, changing our way of life for the better.

the two neatly dressed men appeared on the monitors, they were Clark Nelson and Walter Simmons, both founders of Apex.

Walter: that's right, Apex is always thinking of the future, and with you're help, we're not going anywhere and neither are you

Walter: that's right, Apex is always thinking of the future, and with you're help, we're not going anywhere and neither are you

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Bernie made his way and approached an operative working on a computer just about to eat an apple.

Bernie: Hey, don't eat that, that's unhealthy!

Apex Operative: What you doing here? 

Bernie: oh, uh, maintenance! Office told me i needed to work on that computer.

Apex Operative: *sighs and gets up* okay, i'll be back tho *walks away*

Bernie: *whispers* bingo! *sits at the computer*

Bernie begun to work his "magic" and look over secret Apex files, it would seem he hit the jackpot but then--

A siren was activated and the PA voice shouted

PA: Titan Alert! Repeat! Titan Alert!

Bernie: AAHH!! *raise his arms in the air*

Apex operatives: *running* let's get outta here!!

Bernie: Huh?

Approaching the labs from the ocean, glowing his iconic spines and looking extremely enraged was none other than Godzilla himself.

Godzilla: *swimming towards the ocean with a full intimidation display and roar* SKREEEOONKKK!!!

All the operatives of Apex quickly run out of the facility, Bernie however noticed some entering a secret room and followed them into it

At the launchpad, Clark and Walter headed for the helicopter, there looking at the carnage was Ren Serizawa, the son of Ishiro Serizawa

Ren: *watching Godzilla attacking* Gojira...

Clark: Ren! We have to go! Now!

Ren: *turns to them and back at Godzilla* Y-Yes sir *follows them*

Jets began firing Godzilla with missiles

Godzilla: Ugh!! Get away from me! *slaps one of the jets* Skreeonnk!

the army tried to fight back but to no avail with Godzilla firing his Atomic Breath everywhere

Apex even deployed drones to try and stop Godzilla but they were useless, Godzilla seemed incredibly provoked.

Godzilla: show YOURSELF!!  *fires atomic breath at the ground wiping out a few ground units*

Godzilla breaks one of the facility by grabbing it and ripping it off and tossing it into the ground, Godzilla then gets hit by one of the tanks looking down, 

Godzilla: you're asking for it! * just responded by crushing it with his tail* SKREEEOONNNK!!!

Back in the tunnels Bernie begun looking around and noticing two Apex guards

Bernie: oh, crap! *tries to run off*

Apex guard: Hey! What do you think you're doing in here?

Bernie: Hey! You think it's good to talk about this in the middle of a Titan attack??

Apex guards: *raises their guns*

Bernie: Woah whoah hey hey hey!! I'm just---


Bernie: *groans and see something* Huh?

It was a large robotic eye, blinking and making a sound like the ORCA

Outside. Godzilla fires all the land with his Atomic Breath, After he fires his Atomic Breath, he roars loudly, finally stopping destruction so he go on to the next move

 Godzilla fires all the land with his Atomic Breath, After he fires his Atomic Breath, he roars loudly, finally stopping destruction so he go on to the next move

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Bernie: what...the that..??

The robotic eye, slowly lost power and Godzilla begins to calm and return to the ocean, with Bernie watching it all from the hole in the wall, leaving him confused but believing Apex had a hand in the attack.

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