Kong and me

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Out at sea

an Apex helicopter carrying Maia Simmons, daughter of Walter Simmons approached A barge along with a naval fleet that was carrying Kong who was wrapped in chains, sound asleep

in the cargo boat's control room, John turned up.

John: geez, i can smell him even from here...

Maria: so can he, John

John: right... *Looking pretty intimated just by Kong's movement*

Maria: still not a fan, huh?

Jia: *signs* "coward"

John: *raises eyebrows curious* what she saying?

Maria: umm, says your a very brave guy.

John: heh, okay, *notices the sedatives* keep a light touch on the sedatives, we can't have him comatose when we get to Hollow Earth

PA: Mr Conrad to deck please, Mr Conrad to deck please.

John: right, on my way.

John took a deep breath and walked outside, approaching the chained Kong.

Kong: *growls* this really necessary?

Down below, Maia turned from Kong to face John who was keeping his distance from Kong.

John: welcome!

Maia: wow *turns to Kong* who's the idiot that came up with this idea?

John: *chuckles*

Maia: I'm Maia Simmons, my father sent me, I run point for Apex.

John: John Conrad, Monarch mission chief *shakes hand keeping distance*

Maia: Don't worry, I'm just here to babysit.

Kong: *growls* could you get me some fish?

Maia: *walks with John* the Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles are on their way to Antarctica as we speak, I know Monarch thinks their cutting edge to, but what we're using would make that flying heap of junk you call the Argo look like a toy in comparison.

John: I love the Argo.

Maia: the vehicles anti-gravity engines have enough charge to light up Vegas for a week. Feel free to be impressed.

John: pretty gobsmacked

Maia: what?

John: oh, it's just some British slang

Later at night, Kong covered his head with his hand from the thundering rain

John: okay, we'll be at Antarctica in 48 hours this path will get us into the Hollow Earth *shows Maia* Kong should lead us to the power source, the gravitational inversion will be intense, it'll feel like bungee jumping with the cord tied to your lower intestine. But if your flying cars are as good as they say--

Maia: HEAVs 

John: if you're HEAVs are as good as they say they are, we'll be just fine

Foster: *to Maria* Dr Conrad, we've avoided all of Godzilla's territory

Maria: good, Titans have a way of sensing threats, we believed they have an ancient rivalry

Barnes: Rivalry? I thought Godzilla had some rivalry with Ghidorah?

Maria: i'm talking about Godzilla and Kong's ancestors, they once fought eachother in a great war

Foster: who bows to who?

Maria: *scoffs* Ever since my parents James Conrad and Mason Weaver put me in charge 10 years ago of studying Kong. I know this for sure: Kong bows to no one!

meanwhile, waking up, Jia sensing Kong's distress got out of bed and got outside heading towards the agitated Kong

back in the control room, everyone felt a large thud as Kong grew angry, Maia was the first to notice Jia heading to Kong.

Maia: umm, is she supposed to be out there?!

Maria: Bollocks....*runs off*

Jia walked towards Kong who let out an angry roar as he tried to break the chains.

Jia: *approaches and smiles*

Kong: *calms* Jia...friend

Jia: *signs* "it's okay Kong, I'm here and Alright"

Maria quickly walked towards Kong and Jia, watching in shock as Jia raised her finger and Kong lowered his finger, pressing it softly against Jia's

Maria quickly walked towards Kong and Jia, watching in shock as Jia raised her finger and Kong lowered his finger, pressing it softly against Jia's

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Maria: *approached Jia after Kong calmed* Jia, come on, Jia! *Signs* "What are you doing?! It's not safe here!"

Jia: *signs* "Kong is sad, and angry"

Kong softly moaned

Kong: I just want to go home...

Maia: did the monkey just talk...?

John: yeah, Titans can have speech, their not like most animals.

Maria: *signs* "but does he know we need his help?"

Jia: *signs* "he told me why should he help you?"

Maria: *signs* "because he's the only one who can"

Kong: is that so..?

Maria stopped and looked up back at Kong, did he just understand her sign language?

Maria: Y-Yes...

Kong: alright... I'll help

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