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Down below in the strets, Monarch was helping civilians, The Party along with Ren and Bernie left the facility and managed to meet up

Madison: Dad!? DAD!?

Mark: Maddie?!? *runs and hugs her*

Madison: Dad!

Jack: it-it was her idea, Mr Russell

Michael: Y-Yeah, it's all on her *chuckling*

Mark: shut up, Michael...

Alex: *laughing and notices Tracy*

Alex: Hey Tracy!

Tracy: Alex!

Alex:'s your hand?

Tracy: it's feeling a little better Thanks though. It means a lot

Alex: Nah, it's the least I can do

Tracy: *smiles and hugs* your so kind

Alex: *eyes widen but hugs back*

Tracy: Thank you for staying by my side *kisses his cheek*

Michael: hehe, aww

Alex: *blushing* I- uh- um... *faints with a dorky smile on his face*

Jia: *sits with John and Maria seeing the Party and the group*

John: I'm glad they're safe

Maria: yeah *holds Jia close*

Madison: Dad, Everyone there's someone we want you to meet

Madison: Dad, everyone, i want you to meet some people we met along the way This is Bernie, who helped us to uncover Apex

Sam: nice to meet you, sir

Bernie: You too, sir. it's an honour to meet you guys, i would very much like to invite you on my podcast Titan Truth

Mark: Well, the pleasure is mine

Bernie: *shakes hand*

Madison: and this is the man who helped us stop that thing, Ren Serizawa

Mark: Serizawa! It is a pleasure to meet you!

Vivienne: hold on, are you really?-

Ren: yes, Ishiro Serizawa was my father

Rick: We're...We're very sorry about him

Ren: *sadly nods* It was for the greater good

Ilene: he was a good man, Dr Ilene Chen, *handshakes*

Ren: indeed he was, madam.

Ilene: *slightly flushed * you can just call me Ilene, it's okay *smiles*

Ren: and you can just call me Ren *bows*

Rick: *smirks* already showing a liking? He is pretty handsome, Chen

Ilene: Shut up, Rick!

Ren: Y'know, I already like you

Michael: *whispers to Maddie* talk about love at first sight am i right?

Madison: *chuckles* Yeah

Ilene: Well, I already like you too

Alex: *at the background, so amused* Bitch whaaaa--? *gets smacked by Madison* Aye!

but the crew are interrupted when Clark's helicopter flies down

Clark: *points at him from his helicopter* SERIZAWA!! This will cost Apex billions!! You can run Serizawa but you can't hide! I don't care where you go in this world!! Apex WILL find you!!! I don't care if you go to the MOON!! We'll find you!!

The Party: Ahem,

Ren:...*turns to see*

Madison: Why don't you leave him alone or we'll settle this the hard way

Michael: *cracks his knuckles* Very hard way

Bernie: that's right, lizard man!!!

Alex: *growls* We're waiting, asshole

Mark: You lied to us!

Vivienne: i should have not trusted you! I can't believe we were fooled by you!!

Madison: *whisper to Mark* Told ya

Mark: yep, you were

Jia: *picks up a small rock and tosses the rock at Clark*

Clark: Hey!!

Alex: Oooh! Nice one kid. You got the savage in ya

Jia nodded Alex as a thank you

Ren: Who forced me to help build the Mecha?! Who forced me to upload the sample to the Mecha?! Who forced me to organise the kidnappings of all those Skullcrawlers?! Who forced me to get into that deathtrap of a chair!? Oh yeah, *points to Clark in the helicopter* YOU!!!

Clark: what??

Ren: you AND Simmons! Not to mention his spoiled brat

Everyone clamors at Clark, throwing their fists at him, and some of them throwing garbages

Clark: this isn't OVER!! *shuts the helicopter door and the helicopter flies away*

Alex: FUCK YOU!!! *throws a middle finger at him*

Ilene: *to Ren jokingly* i take it your fired?

Ren: No, I quit *turns raising eyebrow* is there a free spot for me at Monarch? Just asking

Ilene: Oh yes

Vivienne: i'm very sure we could use some like you and Mr Hayes

Bernie: ME!? It would be my HONOUR!

but then, they hear roars

Bernie: AAAH!

Ren: everyone be calm!

Jia rushes to see Godzilla approaching Kong, seeing him get up with the axe still in his hand

Kong: *still exhausted* are we cool?

Godzilla: *smirks but not in an evil way* yeah, we're cool

Kong: guess i owe you an apology for getting in your way, you were after that *points to Mechagodzilla's wreck*

Godzilla: Nah, it was fine. You earn my respect. Thank you for saving my life

Kong: your welcome, Godzilla, King Of The Monsters

Godzilla: You too Kong, King Of Skull Island. Besides, this feud is meaningless. We must end it

Kong: you are right. *looks down at the humans and back at Godzilla* they pose no threat but we protect them and our homes

He drops his axe and Godzilla gave him a farewell roar with Kong returning one back

Godzilla: Skreeoonnk...SKREEEEOOOONNNKK!!!


Godzilla nods at him and turns back, walking to the sea. Godzilla takes a one last look to Kong and smiles

Ren: *smiles* they are friends now, two Kings together peace rather than war

Everyone awed and cheered at their truce and starting their friendship. Kong smiles back to Godzilla, who's now in the ocean, waiting to return

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