Breaking Into Apex

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The Party along with Bernie arrive at the ruins of the Florida Apex facility, carefully passing the guards

Alex: Now, watch your step! *gets stepped by Jack* Ow!

Jack: sorry....!

Bernie: Get back!

Madison: we don't wanna be seen!

They stick themselves at a wall, then see guards passing by

Everyone: Phew!

Bernie: *finds the hole to the bunker* this is it

Alex: *gets scared* Uhh...there?

Bernie: yep *slides down.*

Michael: Maddie, can we really trust him?

Madison: Why?

Michael: because he says crazy stuff and carries a flask of whiskey from his wife like a gun?

Madison: I think it's romantic *slides down* Woohoo!

Michael; aw hell with it! *slides down*

Tracu: wait for me! *slides down*

Luke: Well, what are you waiting for? You chicken?

Alex: Uhh... y'know what, let's take the scenic route

Luke: what scenic route? this is the only way in

Alex: Then let's find another one!

Jack: Oh no, I can't have another one of your drama again

Billy: c'mon, Alex you're holding us up!

Alex: No way, No how that I'm going down in there! If I did, I die! If I die, I'm not here! If I'm not here!

As he ranted, Luke, Jack and Billy exchange looks before Luke pushed him down

Alex: I'm-- *gets pushed and slide down* AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Luke, Billy and Jack then follow sliding down

Alex: AAAHHH- oof!

He looks around and he felt safe

Alex: Well, that wasn't so bad *gets smashed by Luke* Aye! *then Jack* Ow! *and finally Billy* OOF!

Bernie: *turns* everybody down?

Alex *pulls a thumbs up, weakly* Yep! Now get off!

Billy: sorry

Alex: Watch my-- *his hand gets stepped on* Ow! And my-- *his crotch gets stepped on as well* Ooo...

Tracy: that's gotta hurt

Alex: Get off me! *stomps away from the boys* I never signed up to get smashed by three idiots!

Bernie: Alright, we got to stay safe and in groups

Madison: You guys armed?

The Party awkwardly looks around then Alex spots a pipe

Alex: Yep!

Jack: let's carry on, so where is the tech, Bernie?

Bernie: let's go, the tech should be this way

The Party follows him, but then they stop at a door.

Alex: Allow me!

He walks over to that door and ready to bash his pipe at it

The Party winced as he got electrocuted

Alex gets tipsy and falls to the ground

Alex: *tipsy* I'm...a dinosaur

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