Monarch Relief camp

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Madison and Alex arrived at the camp in a car with Alex struggling to get out of the door.

Alex: hey, uh Maddie? I'm stuck!

Madison: *pulls the car door open* there you go

Alex: thanks!

Madison and Alex went to one of the Monarch tents to find Madison's father, Mark who was speaking with Vivienne, Ilene, Sam and Rick

Alex: Um, Mr. Russell?

Mark: not now

Madison: Dad, please. We have something to talk about

Mark: Alright, what?

Madison: Godzilla's attack was not intentional, he was being provoked

Alex: Yes, sir. Godzilla supposed to have a beauty rest in the ocean after he fought King Ghidorah

Madison: there's something provoking him that we're not seeing! Why would Godzilla would flash an intimidation display!?

Alex: Yeah sir. Titanus Gojiras must activate its intimidation display when they feel threaten or provoked. So, why Godzilla do it?

Rick: ain't you kids meant to be in school?

Alex: Let's just get to the point

Mark: That podcast is rotting your brains out. You two should be at school!

Madison: you were there with Mom! We saw it! Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan tackling Ghidorah, Mothra giving her life to protect Godzilla! Mom using the ORCA to lure Ghidorah away! Godzilla finally defeated Ghidorah saving the world! There's no way he would turn on us!! There has to be another way!

Alex: Madison's right sir. There has to be a pattern

Madison: How could you doubt him!?! We're just trying to help!

Mark: we don't want your help we want you safe!

Ilene: Mark's right, Maddie. This is a very serious situation

Mark: there is no pattern

Madison: How do you know that!?

Mark: Because creatures like people can change, right now Godzilla is out there and he's hurting people and we don't know why! So cut your pop some slack, will ya?

Alex: Sir, with all due respect, Godzilla never ever turn on us. He's a hero to ALL!!

Clark: not anymore he isn't, I'm afraid

Vivienne: Mr Nelson..?

Clark: Yep, it is I

Alex and Madison scowls at his presence

Clark: we at Apex may have a solution to stop Godzilla

Alex: Sure and we're not gonna listen to it

Madison: Yeah. You pack of snakes are not worth it

Clark: there is no need for hostility

Mark: Uhm, Mr. Nelson, what is your idea on stopping Godzilla?

Clark: for the past few months Apex is working on a special black project, a weapon to stop Godzilla

Vivienne: You're gonna kill him?

Clark: *chuckles* oh, heavens no, My dear!

Everyone sighed in relief except Madison and Alex

Clark: this weapon is built to pacify Godzilla, not kill him we're just missing one thing

Mark: What is it?

Clark: a power source, it's in the place you call the Hollow Earth

Alex: *whisper* The Hollow Earth. I've read a book about it, it's very fascinating

Clark: we recall you have a pilot who is a Hollow Earth expert, where can we find him?

The operatives of Monarch exchange looks before Mark replies

Mark: He's in London

Clark: right, i'll have my assistant Walter Simmons and his assistant to recruit him on this mission, thank you for your help, Monarch

Madison: Dad, Titan Truth Podcasts told me Apex is not to be trusted...

Mark: Madison, please...

Later, Madison and Alex got to Maddie's home and looked up online for the Titan Truth Podcasts to listen to Bernie.

Bernie: *podcast voice* listen, Apex is hiding something big, down in the basement area i discovered something, it may be making Godzilla attack, Apex's Florida facility is the only one on our coast with an advanced robotics lab, thats it!

Alex: We gotta find that man, Madison

Madison: you read my mind, call the others

Alex: You got it. Let's start tomorrow!

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