Warbat Attack

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Kong, Spitka and Phoenix with the HEAVs travel down a path

John: *checks the radar* they seem to know where their going

Spitka sniffs around and then stops

Maia: why have we stopped?

Kong: What's wrong?

Spitka: Something's not right here...

Maia: we don't have time for this. HEAV 3 ignore the worm

Pilot: yes, Ma'am *pilots the HEAV ignoring Spitka*

Phoenix: Wait! Stop!

Then, something snatches one of the HEAVs


As they look, it was a giant snake with giant hoods and they we're called...

Spitka and Phoenix: *growls* Warbats

Kong: *roars at them*

Spitka pounces one of them

Then, one Warbat was about to snatch another one but Phoenix beats it to it.

Phoenix: Not so fast! *grabs onto its tail*

Spitka: You guys carry on! We'll handle them

John: right, get us forward! *the two remaining HEAVs fly forward away from the combat*

Maria: What's Kong doing?

John: Why he's not moving?

Kong watches the Warbats attacking Spitka and Phoenix

Spitka fires his electric breath at it

Kong: *grabs two of them and smacks their heads into eachother* 

Phoenix: Thanks! *bites one of them and throws it at a mountain*

a third Warbat appears and tries to attack Kong but got punched right in the face

Spitka wraps his body around the Warbat

Phoenix lifted a Warbat up with her talons and slammed it into the ground and killing it using her fire breath

after constricting itself around it, Spitka killed the next one by using his electric breath

Then, another Warbat came straight at the HEAV where John, Maria and Jia at

Spitka: Kong!

Kong: *sees and pulls it by the tail saving the group*

Kong slams it at the ground. His head got impaled by a sharp rock

Phoenix: nice

Kong slams the dead Warbat to the other one. Kong pounds his chest roaring. Spitka came in front, trying to scare off the Warbat by rattling his tail and his mouth are filled electricity sparks

Warbat: *snarls didn't mind and pounces on Kong*

Spitka: No!

Kong: *roars as the Warbat constricted itself by covering his hood right at his face.*

Phoenix: We gotta help him!

Maria: Leave that to us

John: All Delta, prepare to ATTACK!

the HEAV fire it's rockets at the Warbat

Warbat screeching in pain. Phoenix grabs onto his head, Spitka bites onto its neck, Phoenix and Warbat holds onto its tail while Kong breaks his hood

Kong starts pummeling the Warbat with Spitka and Phoenix watching the brawl. Then, Kong starts smashing it

Kong: *pummels the last one to the ground and rips it's head off*

After ripping its head off Kong took a look at the Warbats head and ate the guts inside it

Maia: Gross...

Kong: pretty refreshing Want some?

Spitka: Uh... we're good

Phoenix: Mhm, shall we move on?

Kong: okay

They move on and Spitka takes a one last look at the dead Warbat.

Spitka: Yeesh! This monkey is tough

Phoenix: Spitka?

Spitka: Coming!

Kong, Spitka, Phoenix and the HEAVs move forward towards the power source

They travel through the land, coming different various of Hollow Earth Titans

Kong, treads over some rocks revealing strange crab like creatures, one of them got eaten by a large lizard

Spitka: Woah! Stand back!

For a second, a herd of Sker buffaloes came running across them

Jia: *Watches*

Maria: magnificent

Phoenix: I could catch one of them and taste--

Kong: Ahem! Not for eatin, let's move

Spitka: *whispers to Phoenix* I heard that he cares about these buffaloes so watch out

Phoenix: sorry, I don't wanna be at the end of this guys knuckles..

Spitka: Uh huh

They moved on to their destination, running or flying or slithering towards the highest point of Hollow Eearth

Kong: nice view...

Spitka: Now, when you jump, you'll feel weird about it

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Spitka: Now, when you jump, you'll feel weird about it. Phoenix tried it once and she totally freaking out!

Kong: right... *jumps and floats upwards* woah...

Spitka and Phoenix look each other and then to Kong, smiling. Spitka curled up his tail and launch himself and starts floating

Spitka: Woah ho ho ho! Yeah!

Phoenix: *gulps* Here goes nothing *the gravity gently lifts them up off the ground and onto the opposite side of the Hollow Earth*

Spitka: Told ya it's weird

The HEAVS use their engines to flip to the opposite side safely, with that done, the group moved on towards the center 

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