Madison and Alex's beliefs

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School, somewhere in Flordia

Everyone inside the classroom watches the TV in front of them and one of them is Madison

News Anchor: it is unsure why Godzilla would attack the lab after two years since the infamous Battle of Boston and asserting himself as King.

On the screen, reveals Walter and Clark

Walter: though, it's a time of peace between human and Titan, i guess things change

Clark: Godzilla will be brought to justice for this heinous crime against humanity, he may be "King" but we can rebel, Apex and Monarch will be working together in this mission against Godzilla.

Madison is very unsure to their words, something's wrong. Her thoughts were snapped by Alex, one of her close friends

Alex: Oh come on! Godzilla will never attack with no reason! That's a load of bullshit! It's a misunderstanding! Right, guys?

Student: uuhhh....? He straight up killed Apex scientists, and blew the lab to ash

Teacher: A-Alex Hopper, sit down!

Alex: Well, uh, it has to mean something! Back me up, Maddie!

Madison: yeah! Godzilla was showing an intimidation display!

Teacher: Ms. Russell and Mr. Hopper, those kind of theories are messing up with your heads. Now, sit down and behave like a person that knows common sense, now

Madison: *sighs sitting*

Alex: Okay, Mrs. Vanders

A few students snickers at their behavior and some of them whispering with bad looks

Madison: *ignores*

Later, the session is over. Madison walks out and saw Alex talking to the worst bullies on the planet

Bully: hey, there Titan groupie!

Alex: Stop! I'm telling you! Godzilla is not a villain!

Bully: He destroyed an Apex lab! killing people!

Alex: Like I said, it means something!

Bully: Dump him *they grab him and put him in a trash can*

Alex: No! No! No! Let go of me! *gets dumped*

Madison: *walks over* hey!!

Bully: See you later, weirdo *pushes the trash can, causing it to fall over*

Alex: AAHH- oof!

Madison: leave him alone!

Students: HAHAHAHA!!! Weirdo! Weirdo! Weirdo!

Alex tries to get himself out of that horrid bin

Madison: *pulls him out and looks to the bullies* How about you do us a favour and go away!

Bully: Sure, go on a date with me

Madison: *spits* I'll never date with you, you pathetic asshole!

Bully: You little--

Alex: Get away from her!

Madison: *steps in* that's right! How bout you give me and my friend some space!

Bully: Ugh, whatever *the bullies leave*

Madison: Are you okay, Alex?

Alex: *Stinks* I'm good. Ii smell like Stacy's breath *laughs*

Madison: who the heck is Stacy?

Alex: Some slut. Let's go, Maddie

They leave school

Outside of school, Madison and Alex listens to one of Bernie's podcasts, since they're both fans of it y'know.

Bernie: *on podcast* i was right there! Godzilla glory and all! I can tell Apex had something to do with it!

Alex: Hmm, do you really think Godzilla's a bad guy now?

Madison: i never did

Alex: Me, too. Let's talk to your Dad

The two get to a Monarch relief camp

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